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  1. smeg_it

    Should I cancel my order of the Volcano Hybrid?

    Thanks for the response. The question "how often", was my question to you guys :). (I'm still new to everything) Better suited elsewhere. Well I'm pretty sure as I don't 'need' anything, but that's not going to completely stop me from purchasing the unnecessary though ;) e.g. I'm not going to...
  2. smeg_it

    Should I cancel my order of the Volcano Hybrid?

    I'm brand new to everything. I have a mighty and I have gotten (over excited) about vaping and of course I've watched a lot of youtube videos. I ordered the volcano hybrid from because: 1. it's supposed to be good 2. I got a great deal at 25% off They sent me an email asking for ID...
  3. smeg_it

    Warning - DabTech wants drivers license did this to me with my order. I did cover some parts and send it to them. It was approved but now it's all on back order. I wonder if this is a fed thing. I've never had any company do this before. I've had the bank do it a few times, but not in this way. I had to call, mostly when I...
  4. smeg_it

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello, I'm new here. I heard about this forum from Jerry on "Troy and Jerry Think Dank" from youtube. I'm fairly new to all of this. If had a mighty for about a year and recently, I've renewed my interest. I ordered a load of crap. Too much. I'm curious to know about vendors. My original order...
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