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  1. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    The heavy daily use should NOT wear the core out. We use a proprietary USA made wire (we make our coils, ourselves by hand) that is much stronger then nichrome, and there are plug in desktop units that use nichrome for heating, and last for a very long time. What will wear the core out is...
  2. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Yes, more like a brother.... ;)
  3. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    The e-cig is the Alpha, there are 3 models. The company is Apex Vapor. We also own Apex Vapor. Although Apex vapor does not retail the device, InnoVapor sells the Alpha line of products. Apex Vapor also make the only USA manufactured e-cig atomizer on the planet. We love all things vapor. The...
  4. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Cheers! -The smell is comparable to any convection vaporizer. -The "filter" is an array of CNC'd through holes, much like the base of the bowl. -The shipping is discreet, no labeling on the outside of the box. -Any 3v 123 cell that conforms to the size standard will work, albeit probably not...
  5. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Hey Guys, The top of the cap does have an additional filter. This feature has not proven to be an issue during our testing. Cleaning will definitely be required with sustained use, but this is very simple. Apologies for the shortage of videos. We are a small company and the bulk of our time...
  6. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Hey guys. Flow path: the batteries are not in the flow path. The battery section is sealed from the flow path. Flow path is from the outside air -> base of Heating Core -> inside of heating core -> herb/bowl -> mouthpiece The oil/concentrate adapter will be available soon. We are...
  7. ThermoVape

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    I am one of the co-founders of ThermoVape. I am a physician and the other founder is an engineer. I lost my mother to lung cancer in 2007, shortly after I turned to my lifelong friend (and engineer behind ThermoVape) to develop ways for people to stop smoking. In the last 2 years we have filed...
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