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  1. Chubba

    Customized vape setups

    Are pillars different to tree percs? I'm confused. Looks sick as :D Australia sucks for glass, especially the really awesome percs/diffy's... makes me want to learn glass blowing just so maybe in the future I could have such an awesome piece.
  2. Chubba

    Attn all PD, Zap and Woodez owners.........

    I think I'm starting to see a trend... ...all the old farts only need 1 stem :D
  3. Chubba

    Customized vape setups

    Just get whatever you prefer :D Myself, I love beaker/flask bottom bongs, nice heavy base and LOTS of water... others can't stand them and love the straight tube look. I think the EHLE 100ml a bit too small, I would recommend getting a 250ml at least, even for PD style vapes I feel the 100 is...
  4. Chubba

    Customized vape setups

    Don't get weedstar. It's shit glass... but more importantly its owner and the business in general are a total bunch of cunts. Don't support this company.
  5. Chubba

    favorite overlooked guitar genius...

    Danny Gatton
  6. Chubba

    Customized vape setups

    I can't bring myself to vaporbong like that... I need to pull out the stem/wand prior to the bowl so I don't lose all the vapor goodness in the tubing :ninja:
  7. Chubba

    Attn all PD, Zap and Woodez owners.........

    Remember that there's a big variance in actual bowl size too, up to double. The 0.025 figure that got thrown around for months ended up on the very lowest end, with 0.05 at the highest (super fine/tight) end with the majority in the middle. Mine are 0.05, so even if I did get down to 1 stem...
  8. Chubba

    Attn all PD, Zap and Woodez owners.........

    PD. I max out at 3 in any given session... anything more is just throwing the bud away. I'm working my way down though, I used to do 4 a session for about 4 months, then I've been doing 3 for about 3 months... now I'm at 2 :D The high is virtually the same despite the amount because your body...
  9. Chubba

    What's The Average Age Around Here?

    23. God damn, FC is full of old fats :lol:
  10. Chubba

    Anyone else find their vapes induce a very strange nights sleep????

    Not consuming cannabis is hell for my sleep. I spent ~3-4 years during highschool working extensively on lucid dreaming (before I started smoking) and I've never really lost the ability. The moment I don't smoke/vaporize, I get intense dreams ALL night and I remember every single one of them...
  11. Chubba

    healthiness of vapes

    I believe bongs do have a lot of add to the vapor experience. Water will still catch a certain amount of byproducts from the process for those that are really worried, water will trap any solid particle matter that's falling through the stem/wand, plus it cools down the vapor to room temp (or...
  12. Chubba

    hookin up bong to your PD stems

    I don't think Vaporbrothers tubing would be a different size to 7th floor, should work perfect, connect it up and enjoy :D My next setup I'm going to get an 18.8mm bong and adaptor, stronger airflow can only mean better things.
  13. Chubba

    hookin up bong to your PD stems

    They're quite tight... but yeah, basically zero bud falls down... I give the PD a spank every session and it's a complete non-issue, maybe 1-2% of bud falling down MAX. The only time bud will fall out is on the first hit, all subsequent hits and it's locked into place and going nowhere.
  14. Chubba

    hookin up bong to your PD stems

    lol Happycamper, that's definitely a fail moment right there :D
  15. Chubba

    hookin up bong to your PD stems

    The Purple Days / Little Sista picture posted is my setup. It uses Silver Surfer whip tubing and a 14mm Vaporbrothers H20 GG adaptor. The ENTIRE point of my setup was to eliminate the upside down PD, no more, no less... what followed though was far better then expected. I get 3-5 hits...
  16. Chubba

    Vaporgenie vs Magic Flight vs iolite

    All 3 vaporizers mentioned are awesome in different ways. To get a much better answer, detail your usage a bit more. Where/how you would be using it, what is most important to you etc. Take into account home/public, stealth/smell, whether you want to use a flame longterm, how many times are...
  17. Chubba

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Are my PM's/emails coming through Tom? I've sent a couple over the past month, I don't know if hotmail is playing up or not. PD related, couldn't think of any other way to contact you besides FC.
  18. Chubba

    Vaping while having a cold

    I vape ALL day whenever I'm sick. I load my regular PD bowls but take 1/2 sized hits, zero irritation. A common cold for myself lasts 3-4 days, when I used to smoke cannabis, that would turn the cold in 1-2 weeks (sometimes even up to a full month). Vaping seems to have zero effect, I still...
  19. Chubba

    Purple Days - The tips and tricks

    It's all just preference, we can agree on that? I'm an athlete, MMA fighter, I was state cross country champion during highschool, I'm 23 and have big bong smoking lungs... I only do 3 stems a day, so I don't mind sucking with the force of a vaccum cleaner, I like them super THICK hits...
  20. Chubba

    Purple Days - The tips and tricks

    Seems like the bowl size, depending on packing, ranges roughly between 0.025 - 0.05. 20 - 40 bowls to a gram. I do overpack my bowls, to the point where they are nearly blocked, that's how I like it :D suppppppper thick, but sometimes exhausting on the lungs.
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