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  1. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    it just so happened it happened on my first use and my first puck was faulty. They sent me a new one along with a new puck when they were still doing the promotion, excellent service. I agree though, it's lost it's use for me so I just use it to hold 4 loaded pods for a sesh
  2. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    hahaha exact same thing happened to me.
  3. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    New unit came before noon today, got her charged right away and she is ripping so good. This thing is true on demand and the vapor is so tasty and smooth, if you are on the fence my personal suggestion is to go for it. Customer service was top notch and they even gave me the new unit with the...
  4. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Thank you all for the suggestions, I have been troubleshooting and tried everything, still doing the same thing. However... Tafee customer service is in a league of their own! They are amazing is not even enough to say. I emailed them Sunday morning (EST)and they replied in a matter of hours...
  5. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Thanks guys, you are so quick. House is not cold. Unit was fully charged and I'm charging again and resetting to try. Yes they light up green and then to blue, it's consistent. I've even tried the hold and draw method and it does it. I feel like I just might have received a faulty unit...
  6. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Help! My puck isn't working. I've been getting the with to blue lights every draw and can't seem to get it to stop. got 1 good rip on it and then after that it won't do anymore. I've tried all the reset stuff you said before... any other thoughts? Tried new pots filled different and everything.
  7. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Wow!! Holy $@!7 this thing is the real deal!!!
  8. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Guess who convinced his wife his birthday should be tonight... TB is charging as we speak!
  9. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    Seriously! I was about to buy the Mighty since I think I'm ready for something other than my Edge. I'm so glad I found this and read all 38 pages, you guys are awesome, I can't wait to be more active on this. I think it's about time for me to start the sweet talking to try to get this a bit...
  10. 420_fitdad

    Tafée Bowle

    New Vape enthusiast here, I stumbled across the Bowle somewhere and after searching for some info I actually found this forum, loving every bit of it already. I told my wife on Sunday I wanted this for my Birthday and FedEx guy was ringing my doorbell this morning. It's killing me knowing this...
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