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  1. H

    The Herbalizer

    All you need for a herbalizer 1) volcano solid valve for filling balloons 2) ssv tubing for whip/direct draw hits 3) ratchets SONG adapter for water pipes/bongs Simple! Pick your poison
  2. H

    The Herbalizer

    Be careful with this... Using the volcano FILLING CHAMBER (with the plunger) has been known to melt the plastic around the opening on the herbalizer. I like to use the solid valve ballon portion .. But only with the original herbalizer filling chamber. Yes you have to hold it down for a...
  3. H

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I have got err044 three times now... But it always goes away after an hour. I've had the device for a year. Do any of you experience err044 intermittently?
  4. H

    The Herbalizer

    Has anyone ever posted the Easter egg(s)? I want to know! I've had the Herbie forever now lol
  5. H

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    When do you all clean your units? After how many sessions? I find if I don't clean mine often, I get so much mystery smoke, my sessions never end.
  6. H

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Do you guys find that with the mighty, you get a lot of mystery smoke. Is it just because it's not clean? I literally can get big hits of an EMPTY bowl. I feel like it's slightly better after a cleaning, but after smoking ten bowls, I feel like the smoke never ends. So I take the load out...
  7. H

    The Herbalizer

    Solid valve for the volcano for bags Ratchets 3d printed SonG adapter for my hydratube
  8. H

    The Herbalizer

    Thanks @Engineer Your hard work will not be forgotten here
  9. H

    The Herbalizer

    gettibg me herbie back tomorrow ... Thankfully I sent it in 2 weeks ago
  10. H

    The Herbalizer

    Can someone please tell me the Easter egg... From the hints before, I'm guessing you have to set it to 420... Then what
  11. H

    The Herbalizer

    My herbie is on its way home! Sent it in for service, they had it for 2 days and sent it back. I couldn't be more satisfied with the customer service - Carrie was incredibly helpful. Every email I sent was responded to almost instantly. Can't wait to get it back in my hands :). Most of the...
  12. H

    The Herbalizer

    Sometimes my unit smells a little like "new electronics". And I think it's just the bulb heating up. I noticed if I don't use ther herbie for a bit it makes that smell for a little bit. Sometime I wonder if I dropped some material under the metal grill that the bowl sits on top. Also for...
  13. H

    The Herbalizer

    I had to play around with my solid valve a lot before it stopped leaking Make sure bag spacing is nice and there aren't large portions bunched up... Where are the leaks coming from .... The plastic o ring area? I sometimes use an elastic in addition to the rubber o ring... I haven't found a...
  14. H

    The Herbalizer

    My first solid vslve leaked too Make sure the bag is nice and tight, I use the o ring and an elastic then slide the plastic clip on top Also, my housing was defective , it leaked out of the sides Story n Bickel sent me a new one.... Haven't had issues since
  15. H

    The Herbalizer

    Yes... But you can get thicker denser hits quicker (without having to pull for 10+ seconds) with thickier diameter tubing that fits around the herbalizer bowl rather than in it (like the stock whip)
  16. H

    The Herbalizer

    Fill a bag at 445.... takes a minute, and if you try to use the bowl a second time, likely there won't be much vapor. So that's a minute for full extraction... Give it a shot
  17. H

    The Herbalizer

    Originally I thought it was a sipper too (which I hate) You need need different tubing, with SSV tubing (or something similar with wider diameter) it's a heavy hitter Also if you fill a large bag (solid valve is the way to go) it extracts fully and faster than anything.
  18. H

    The Herbalizer

    I'm just about to send my unit in for repair :( you're scaring me ... So far Carrie has been helpful with me
  19. H

    The Herbalizer

    Is anyone else doing this? Is there any reason I shouldnt be doing this
  20. H

    The Herbalizer

    I just buy pipe screens from the convenience store and cut them to the right size 99 cents for 5
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