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  1. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Looks like mine got an update pushed and is allowing me to connect now.
  2. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Same. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the ability to connect to the dashboard and still nothing. Getting frustrated.
  3. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Same. I got the update a few days ago. First attempt to get a code got garbage back and then every attempt after has been the 0000 response. Great lil controller aside from that.
  4. SilentJ

    710 coils

    I can definitely second how important it is to have the coil secured to the banger and being careful with self cleaning modes. Sadly I’ve had another banger bite the dust yesterday after a day of use. From the looks of it the coil wasn’t secured to the banger and contracted after a cleaning...
  5. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    That sounds like a valid code... EDIT: Actually, never mind as mine is showing that too and hasn’t gotten the update yet! I’m still on 0.0.88
  6. SilentJ

    710 coils

    Thanks dude, you rock! Order is in and expedited. The old setup just isn’t the same sadly.
  7. SilentJ

    710 coils

    Just wanted to drop a friendly PSA to always watch your dab station while it’s on. I set mine to a self cleaning cycle this morning while I was working and came back at lunch to find this :cry:: Thankfully my dab mat appears to have saved the countertop, though just barely. @710Coils I’ll...
  8. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Damn yeah those look awesome! I might have had to get the red one instead of black were it an option. Def worthy of joining the current color lineup.
  9. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Still pending an update so get access to the dashboard. Review will be on hold until that is granted so I can provide pics and vids of that bit.
  10. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    The App isn’t functional yet. I’ve been using the controller directly. I’ve been waiting for the word from @maxvapor710 that his devs have got my unit added in to their systems. Last I heard they were having some issues they were trying to resolve before adding people since there are live...
  11. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Sorry, been busy with life and enjoying the controller to get a review thrown together. Rest assured the new one is working well: I’ll get more info thrown together when I get some time. I do want to note that @maxvapor710 has been awesome at support the entire time and should reassure anyone...
  12. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Replacement should be here on Wed.
  13. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Unfortunately, the review is going to have to wait a bit longer. I did receive the unit on Thursday and snapped a few pics of it that I’ll share here: Library: The reason for no review at this time is that while I was messing with the unit settings I...
  14. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Thanks, but things have improved. The owner got in contact with me and has made arrangements for me to get my unit. I’ve confirmed that USPS has it and I should have it on Thursday. I should be able to answer questions and provides images/vids once I have it in hand.
  15. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    I wish I could be writing you right now extolling this amazing new controller. I wish I could be showing videos and pictures showing the App and how it works. I wish I could be saying something different instead of sounding like a broken record. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. I’m...
  16. SilentJ

    710 coils

    Thank you for reaffirming my faith in investing in the community (you)...
  17. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Emailed the maxvapor team earlier and got a response that early testers found some bugs on Friday that they’re working to stamp out. Was told that barring any other unforeseen issues I should have my unit this week. *fingers crossed*
  18. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    The production units that have the certification are supposed to ship out in a few weeks. I am supposed to get one of the pre-certified units. He made a post on IG on units shipping out on Tues. I wrote him an email about it asking what the status was on Wed and he stated that one of my units...
  19. SilentJ

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Still no change in the status of my package. USPS still doesn’t show it being received. Really wish I’d get some information or confirmation that my unit is going to be in my hands soon. This is feeling a bit ridiculous to have had it showing waiting shipment for over a week when they’ve said...
  20. SilentJ

    710 coils

    I’m not seeing the colored ones on your site now for some reason? I’d love to get the potion one from ya! EDIT: never mind, I found em with a search. I don’t know why they don’t show up on the pages though...
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