Search results

  1. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    That's good to know. I've kind of decided against the dhgate one because of the postage costs - still reasonable though. About the aliexpress one, how much do you have to fill it because the entry joint seems to be positioned a tad lower than the percolator itself? Also, have you seen any...
  2. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Has anybody tried this one? I'm debating whether to get that one or the D020? I'm trying to balance the taste and smoothness of the vapour. I'm also asthmatic so I...
  3. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks for that. Somehow though I need to convert the male gong end I've got (coming from the vape) to a female end don't I, for most bubblers? Is it normal for a gong piece to have a male end?
  4. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    That website you mentioned is so annoying. It hardly ever mentions the joint sizes and the site's a nightmare to search for anything. I got a delivery quote for that bubbler from that Netherlands website and it was only 10E. Here's another one for about $55. It's got a 14mm joint (male though)...
  5. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks for the replies. I should have told you my budget and where I'm from. I'm from the UK so there doesn't seem to be much available without importing it. My budget, including shipping, is probably about $100 but I'd like a cheaper one if that's possible. Looking at that one from Apollyon, do...
  6. skipbifferty

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hi everyone, I would really like some advice about the sort of bubbler to get. Basically, I've bought an epicvape (small log-type vape) and a 14mm gong adapter so I think I'm looking for a 14mm bubbler with a female joint. I've only ever used home made bongs and have never ever used a bubbler...
  7. skipbifferty

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks everyone. I got the refund today for the first order which I made a mistake with. What a relief! The second order, which you are saying was shipped this week, is still showing as 'pending' but that's just a detail if you say it's shipped. Of course, when I receive it I'll by chipping in...
  8. skipbifferty

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hello Andy. If you're the site owne r or manufacturer could you please reply to the numerous messages i`ve sent you on the website. You `liked` one of my posts but Didnt`t reply to it. I think i am owed a refund. Your lack of any comunicatio doesnt bode well for the 2 year guarantee or the 7...
  9. skipbifferty

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hello everyone, I'm from the UK and recently bought an enano. Do you think I'll be alright with a 45w step down transformer or should I get something bigger? I've seen it recommended by a couple of people (including Andy) in this thread but some of these 45w tranformers have a lower limit, for...
  10. skipbifferty

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hello Andy. I'm the guy who made 2 orders the second with the gong which I had stupidly left out. Please don't send both orders. Can you cancel the first if it's not been sent yet and the second if it's already been sent? The order numbers are 578 and 587. Thanks a lot.
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