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  1. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo Case

    looking at my vapecase you can lock it on the front with a small luggage type lock or a zip-tie.
  2. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo Case

    I also had a soft pipe case that i got at a headshop, that was for a bong about 6" long, it worker perfect for a solo, and a strait stem, plus it had a foil lined pocket that was smell proof for your herbs, this case was my light carry case when i didn't need the all out protection of my...
  3. thesoloman

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    thats a cloud hydratube you have on top right?
  4. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo Case

    hey man i have had three solo's and have always used these Lemme start by saying im FUCKING brutal on my solo's, and have never broken any anything while tossing the case around, ive even trown it before and its been ok, plus the case is smell-proof(human...
  5. thesoloman

    Homemade glass bubbler

    So i was sitting around today hating dry vapor when i had an idea, build a bubbler! so two hours later here is my results, That is a beer bottle with a nice diffused downstem inside. I hand cut the hole with my Dremal tool and a round diamond tip bit. The downstem fits snuggly and i used a...
  6. thesoloman

    In the market for a new pocket vape

    if your trying to get an Arizer solo for cheep try puffitup, thats where i've got my last two solo's from. The last time my buddy called and got an even better deal than 160 for the solo...
  7. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    are you talking about my car charger method? or hooking it up to the homemade wall charger?
  8. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I once made a car charger by taking the head of a PSP slim charger and hooking it up to a cig lighter out put, you can always get a psp slim charger and decapitate that bitch, and splice the head onto your ps2 charger.
  9. thesoloman

    Making BHO with traditional hashes. . .

    o ohhhhhh man im gonna make some fire poop hash now that i learnt this
  10. thesoloman

    Making BHO with traditional hashes. . .

    so you freeze the alc/bud mixture, then filter it while cold or?
  11. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    thanks for the quick reply! i was hopping you were gonna say they are both legit, and tips on how to get the screen to stay in without a clip?
  12. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    I have had one of your wood stems for a while,( on the bottom), my buddy recently bought a solo and wood stem from puffitup (on the top). yesterday i got to compair the stems, and the metal peices don't match up and are attatched differently. (top stem is attached with a metal pin not glue, it...
  13. thesoloman

    Are there any low cost vaporizers that are good

    have you looked at the Arizer solo?
  14. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I have to agree with what red said
  15. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I was praying I would catch my solo when i shook it to knock it off the top of the cross... and i did
  16. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    there in no "smoke" produced, only vapor which is much lighter and noncombustionstinky like smoke. Don't get discouraged, also always fine grind you herbal blend, more surface area more vapor. pack about .2gs
  17. thesoloman

    nonsmoker needs help buying for a friend. sneak a toke, low cost?

    Any word on what vape he ended up getting?
  18. thesoloman

    Meme the Hammer & Win

  19. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    A nice pic of part of the solo collection
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