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  1. The High Cyde

    Arizer Solo

    Damn I'm so jealous of you guys :( The solo will be my first vaporizer, but I'll have enough money to buy one around Christmas time :cry: So I'm herb-less, and vape-less til then. I'm gonna get the M1X model from ebay for $138.50... the one that comes with the 4pc metal grinder (do I really...
  2. The High Cyde

    Best Dispensaries in SoCal.

    Any really good ones in the Inland Empire, specifically by Riverside, CA? But I still have to get a med card :\
  3. The High Cyde

    Arizer Solo

    A finger Obi Wan with dominatrix complex :dog: Yes, yes. I believe I've seen it all hahahaha
  4. The High Cyde

    Arizer Solo

    LOL :rofl: So THAT'S what Obi Wan was doing all those years as hermit living in those caves on Tatooine! Dude didn't even die a conventional death, he got so high he "ascended" to higher dimension :science: Right on Obi Wan!
  5. The High Cyde

    Arizer Solo

    Dude your avatar is the shit! Is that supposed to be a finger Obi Wan hitting a bong? hahaha cracks me up just looking at it! By the way, I'll have enough money saved by the end of the year to buy a Solo. So I should get myself a nice Christmas gift to lift my spirits :) My question is does...
  6. The High Cyde

    Arizer Solo

    Anyone have a video of hitting the Solo with a F-bomb?
  7. The High Cyde

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks, I feel welcome already! Anyone would if they join an informed group of individuals :wave: Ah, my fault about the blowing away part, horrible choice of words. I should clarify to say that the Ascent and it's quality of vapor, in relation to it's cost, in my opinion, is not justified if I...
  8. The High Cyde

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thank you guys, I appreciate your quick feedback. I've decided I'm going to stick with the Solo, I personally don't think such a huge difference is price will be replicated in a huge difference in Vapor quality, unless honest reviews comes out that the Ascent completely blows away the Solo (in...
  9. The High Cyde

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Hi you guys, I'm a first time poster (obviously lol) and I'm planning on getting a Solo as my first vape. Cash is tight right now, but I'm saving up to buy it, however I was wondering if I should save up another 130 bucks to get an Ascent? Is it worth it over the battle tested Solo? I read a...
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