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  1. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    hell yeah ! I'm so glad to finaly get some good word about those from some real vapor connoisseur ! here is what I have as new pd accesoiry : , this is like a giant pd stem , more like a pd bong , I put a carb on this one , I thought some might enjoy...
  2. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    dont be surpize if you see other glass blower making some similar flame filter , I have shown what I did on other glass related forum . I know it can sound weird but as I can't really copyright my glass I thought it should be nice to see more glass blower making vaporizer device as vaporizing...
  3. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    I have in production right now 6 flame filter , blue and white reversal with bigger handle , all of those are signed with a signature milli (CD) however I will still wait to get the report from the beta tester before assembling them .
  4. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    So COOL ! I'm also waiting for some news from buzzhead , can't wait to ear what you guys think about an ice cold pd rip !
  5. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    first the red one on the video is a black and red reversal that I keep for me :) it is made on the exact size of the 3 ''long'' on the picture posted befor , it need few second to get soaked but once it is hot you can some really deep hit without loosing heat mass .also note that no one have...
  6. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    yep I do ship all around the world _______________________________ Just a note , please keep this page talking about the flame filter. pd accesories and other glass related request should be done via email or in my other glass thread
  7. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    Thanks for the offer captainhits ! that's always good to hear , I will keep that in mind ! here is the 4 set that I will send as beta test unit , does are not all exacly the same , some will heat more and some will heat less but you still can try deferent breath to play with the temperature ...
  8. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    Thanks all ! really happy to even recieve good comment from other vap maker !! there is a really small learning curve , every one that tried it seem to get a pretty nice vapor from the first puffs . nop it will fit on a glass sherlock but I'll have to work on the shape to get someting not...
  9. Clear_Dome

    Introducing the Clear Dome Flame Filter

    I just thought I could start a new thread about my last vaporizing device . I had the personal goal to make a full borosilicat glass vaporizer when I start to blow glass about 2 years ago as it was looking like something easy to do but than after few try I just put this project on the shelf and...
  10. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    right ! FEAR420 Masejl12 Konrad_Zuse
  11. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    One place remain for the beta testing of the CD flame filter ! FEAR420 Masejl12 _______ Frickr : yes I did it , all are sold but I still have a 18mm that is a lil offset , I can cut you a sweet deal on it if you want . I aslo have some Titanium grade 2 on my way :brow:
  12. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    I have been testing and testing the flame filter in the last days and it can produce a really nice fog ,it all about how the heat is diffused inside the bowl ! I will try to post and other video of it as soon as I can and should have some listed soon , I'm waiting a big batch of gongs . I might...
  13. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    nop this is not a bubbler , just a new form of dry stem ! when you'll be ready just email me ;) update on the bubbler list : curtrk06 (your stem is packed , just waiting for news from you) Lo IAMKrazy2 Spazo555 edamame oldfart Xero jwpatt milk wthanna
  14. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    yep it's on your way ....this one came out unreal !!
  15. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    nop , it dont work like the VG , and there is no heating element , it is just a flame filter , I have done many size / shape and the last try seem good , it need 2-3 hit to warm it but once it is hot you can get a lot of it and for now I have'nt been able to burn , I love it ! Great man ! I...
  16. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    You are not on the list as you order is ready , I will send you pix later today ;) I also have a new batch of bubbler stem ready , I will advice the people later today ;) also I would like to show you the first vids of my flame filter , I have work on it a lot and it seem to work pretty well...
  17. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    the 4 first bubbler will be ship tomorow , list updated Lo IAMKrazy2 Spazo555 edamame oldfart Xero jwpatt Milk I might add some straight stems soon too !
  18. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    Thanks ! that almost absurd how fast the lot go !!!! I try to end the 4-5 bubbler stem today and email the people on the list (the 4-5 first) , the rest will have to wait about a week again . here is a lil update on the list : Stickstones Buzzhead curtrk06 Sour Lo IAMKrazy2 Spazo555 edamame...
  19. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    thanks for those words , when I hear that you are happy with my stem it mean a lot to me ! I will list those in the next hours , be quick if you'r looking for straight and bent stems ! Also I have in hand 4 bubbler stems almost done , I will aslo post them when it will be all done ! :brow...
  20. Clear_Dome

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    update on pre order list : Stickstones Buzzhead curtrk06 Sour Lo IAMKrazy2 Spazo555 once again If I forgot someone than let it me know and dont worry about the order (if your name is first or last) I should be able to feel all the list at the same time :peace:
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