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  1. Raf007


    Yeahh belle acquisition !! Merci pour cette petite review. par contre comment peux tu le trouver plus discret qu'une MFLB alors qu'il est plus gros et que tu le dis difficile à utiliser en terrasse par ex ? Perso, j'utilise très souvent ma box pour sa discrétion, bien sur sans l'embout en...
  2. Raf007

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    Long time I haven't been on FC...but I got a make a little stop here to testify how nice this INH XP is. The air flow is natural, nothing to block it...way better than the 004 which was quite nice. The puffs are dense enough (although not like a desk vape) and what I like is how you can puff...
  3. Raf007

    Vapir Rise Desktop Vaporizer

    Thank you for clarifying Vitolo. Let see then.
  4. Raf007

    Vapir Rise Desktop Vaporizer

    Thx Mynameismud, your experience is the one of many on the Internet. I do have to admit that the No2 seems to be a fair product...but I have a hard time to give back my trust to a company that sold such product by the past. As you said Vitolo,that's my own opinon, just wanted to share it in a...
  5. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Normalement t'es censé faire beaucoup plus que 4 taffes par tranchées !! Même très peu rempli. Et même si t'es limite sub combustion, 4 lattes c'est très peu. Si ton herbe est bonne elle doit passer de vert à marron bien foncé (ou pas, après c'est selon les goûts) plus ou moins rapidement...mais...
  6. Raf007

    Vapir Rise Desktop Vaporizer

    Just to add my :2c:, but am I the only one scared here ? I mean, imHo Vapir has not been known for building quality products previously. Again, imHo opinion even the launch of their last portable 2-3 years ago with the weird smell was a no-go. The only thing that makes me think twice before...
  7. Raf007

    CBD Extraction Teks

    THIS could be huge !!
  8. Raf007

    Thickest hitting portable vape- Cera, Ploom, Persei?

    It's the comfort of the whip above all.Way more easy to handle for dry hits. Then the hits. Weird and hard to explain how I rather the thick hits of a LSV with a WP but prefer the thick dry hits of an SSV over the hot hits of an lsv without WP.
  9. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Oui c'est normal, c'est surtout que tu peux mettre moins de matière ds ta box à mon avis. Ces deux vapo fonctionnent très bien, peuvent t'amener au même point mais pas de la même manière ;)
  10. Raf007

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Bienvenu la Suisse ! La communauté francophone s'agrandit !:rockon:
  11. Raf007

    Thickest hitting portable vape- Cera, Ploom, Persei?

    You got it right, it's exactly for that. ;)
  12. Raf007

    Milkshot topic FR

    tin j'avais pas vu ce topic.... va falloir que je m'y mette un jour ;) Le Tamer a effectivement un goût supérieur à la filtration à eau. Une impression de mister freeze assez impressionnante. D'une certaine manière on pourrait même dire que cela sublime certains arômes. Quant à la...
  13. Raf007


    C'est clair que c'est un vapo qui demande un apprentissage (comme d'autres d'ailleurs). Et quand on le manie bien, il peut vraiment donner des grosses lattes (comme des petites) et il est super efficace avec de l'herbe comme des résines. Perso, il est toujours au fond de mon sac lors de mes...
  14. Raf007

    Thickest hitting portable vape- Cera, Ploom, Persei?

    As for your worry about the ability of the Ascent to produce reasonable clouds and get you F*** I believe (without having trying it) that the Ascent will work fine enough, so it should be able to give you that the very least ;) To answer your last question, long story made short: I (but...
  15. Raf007

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    you're welcome. FuckCombustion 10% discount code is FC12. Yep, I don't think there are pre orders for the Ascent, but as I said in an other thread, Given the company, the owners/makers (that I happen to have meet) and their way of doing business I believe the Ascent should be a really good...
  16. Raf007

    Thickest hitting portable vape- Cera, Ploom, Persei?

    BlazednConfused, you right about the SSV and WP, that's why I use an LSV for WP and SSV when dry. As for the Ascent, I concure it look damn good. Given the company, the owners/makers (that I happen to have meet) and their way of doing business I believe the Ascent should be a really good...
  17. Raf007

    Thickest hitting portable vape- Cera, Ploom, Persei?

    SSV + Inh XP, would be a wiser choice imHo
  18. Raf007

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Belgian, click on this link: INH XP and you will find it ;) Alpa Cino, imHo your pov is a bit biased. Are folks in Europe paid in dollars ? :D No, in Euro, so we are paid €300 instead of $300... Following your thoughts, this would mean that we get 30% more than an american paycheck. Moreover...
  19. Raf007

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Correction Belgianvapor: The Cera will be avalaible in Euope(the T1 and Evo were). The Inh004 was and the Inhalater XP will be as soon as possible. Of course the Ascent will be.
  20. Raf007

    Préparer son Végétal

    Perso c'est Hammercraft all the way, garantie à vie , et double lame (comme les santa C). Une tuerie. Sur mon porte clé, un grinder card car super efficace, discret et rapide. LE grinder qui marche avec du H ! Et jamais avec mes doigts ni des ciseaux, trop de perte. ;)
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