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    Volcano Hybrid

    Googel Übersetzer Aluminiumabrieb nach Ersatzteilen. Video 2 Details, warum der Abrieb vorhanden ist + andere Dinge, sterben in der Videobeschreibung zu gehören sind Englisch Die Bilder sprechen für sich selbst, auch wenn das Video auf Deutsch untertitelt ist. if you like it or it helps you...
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    'The Misty Log' - DIY wooden Log Vaporizer

    I got a prototype up and running. I also built the heating element myself. My wish that the air only touches glass is therefore feasible.
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    DIY G43

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    'The Misty Log' - DIY wooden Log Vaporizer

    Sehr schön! Wirklich! Da meine Medizin nun endlich bewilligt wurde, hoffe ich auch wieder mehr machen zu können. Und pass am leben zufinden... Da ist sinnvolle Bastel-Arbeit glaube ich genau das richtige.. Modnote translation: Very nice! For real! Now that my medicine has finally been...
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    'The Misty Log' - DIY wooden Log Vaporizer

    Oh man, nun bin ich infiziert ;) Ich habe noch nicht alles gelesen, aber Respekt ! Mit war bearbeitest du das Glas, um die löcher rein zumachen, oder kanten zu etschärfen ? Welche heizmetode findest du am geeigneten ? Hast du scschon eine Heizpatrone gefunden um den ti auf digital...
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    Discontinued G43 and SledGhammer

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    Boundless Tera

    Hello, Such clouds, from an empty device? That can not be healthy.
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    Boundless Tera

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    Herborizer corner

    have the instructions flown over times the values seem to be the same as the herbo Temperature sensor is detected or rejected with the competent instructions in German ... that seems pretty easy. we will see Now you can ask herbo but the right questions, or the distribution in Germany the...
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    Herborizer corner

    Google Translator Hi Alexis, I only have the analog! I asked for someone in the Cannabis-Med Forum... I would like to compare them for a report. You saw the pictures? I could even measure the temperature of the air. I can not afford that at the moment. the analogue does his job well the 3...
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    Herborizer corner

    THX! Manual German English...
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    Herborizer corner

    Google Übersetzer Thanks for the answer. No, unfortunately I have none. Medicine is expensive ... I asked for another patient his ti was set in F. . he has changed everything now Herbo could offer no solution so far I have an analog ti, but I know the temp in the Bowle...
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    Herborizer corner

    Hi Guys, Could you please so kind as to provide a step by step guide, how to get the diigiTI back to factory settings? And how to change from F to C? Many Thanks
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