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  1. nkotb

    E-Nano from Epickai

    They're here! My nanos have arrived! I took some photos and will post later, but seriously, these things look and feel awesome. Gorgeous. Pictures don't do em justice. And they're even smaller than I thought! Be back later; it's time to test!
  2. nkotb

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I didn't register for an account when I ordered either, but my tracking number was emailed to me on the 1st.
  3. nkotb

    E-Nano from Epickai

    philthy, I ordered 2 cherries and a walnut on the 23rd and it shipped on the 2nd. Hopefully we'll both be seeing packages soon. :cheers:
  4. nkotb

    E-Nano from Epickai

    XGerpXDerpX, are you using a GonG adapter between your nano and Vapor Blunt tube? I might have to try this once my nano comes in... :)
  5. nkotb

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello everyone. I've been lurking around here for a while, and am now looking to play a more active role in the community by posting. Quick history: I smoked a couple of times when I was much younger, and my enjoyment of the experience varied. I served in the military for over 10 years, and am...
  6. nkotb

    Win a Free Ascent by DaVinci- Haiku Contest!

    #1. Discrete artistry Warms a pure glass vapor path Why hide this beauty? #2. Breathe out and ascend Watch your troubles drift away as the vapor fades. #3. Digital controls deliver perfect vapor Ascent is the one. #4. Watch the vapor rise A glass path awaits your lips Breathe in your Ascent #5...
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