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  1. B

    Arizer Solo

    Yeah back when I tried it I used a brand new 2L, packing tape and a brand new shopping bag and got nothing. But I guess I can try again with a different bag. I saw a video awhile back of an oldman who had it down well but I can't seem to find it. Why melt the bottom of the bottle? Dreamerr...
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    Arizer Solo

    I did a search and couldnt find anything so here it goes. Me and a lot of friends of mine are interested in making a solo lung (or parachute) so that you can still get some big hits with the solo (I don't want to bring a big bong with me everywhere) But every time I've tried making one for the...
  3. B

    Arizer Solo

    Ha! i live fairly close to kustom kulture and bought my MFLB and solo from there. definitely reputable. I was actually thinking of picking up the pinnacle water tube soon. I find I still get a sore throat/coughing from vaping and really need cooler vapour.
  4. B

    Arizer Solo

    That's really crazy! mines still working, it must have to do with the range of power the charger possesses like OF said.
  5. B

    Arizer Solo

    I'm planning to get the GonG adaptor in a bit but for now does anyone know any quickfix's to create a good enough seal when you use the solo with a bong?
  6. B

    Arizer Solo

    There's no doubt that there is a problem with the current chargers being shipped right now. Im just thankful that the not charging issue is just iffy and not permanent. Because I honestly didn't want to go through all that work for the charger after just getting it. And you guys still gave me a...
  7. B

    Arizer Solo

    IT'S CHARGING IM SO HAPPY. I had tried resetting it and unplugging the plug and everything else. I was about to visit the headshop I bought it at when I decided to try it one more time.. The difference this time was the plug hadn't been plugged in for a solid couple of days. And I don't know the...
  8. B

    Arizer Solo

    The way the charger works is you pay 35$ for the charger itself and they have separate tips (including the correct size one) to buy for $3 a piece. They also had a 12V .5A charger that was 20$ cheaper, would it just charge slower or not work at all? And if the tip is the important part should I...
  9. B

    Arizer Solo

    Haha the source is the smaller canadian branch of Radioshack. They had a 1.5 amp 12v charger with the right tip for 39.99$... have you guys found any cheaper? That is a lot more then I want to spend
  10. B

    Arizer Solo

    Okay I'll bring my charger to The Source tomorrow and try to find one the same size. And I tried doing a reset and nothing changed. and I'm more or less used to the loose stem now. It just came as a surprise because I've only had it for a week and it went from air tight to really loose.
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    Arizer Solo

    My arizer solo is having the battery problem now. I've had it for one week and no matter where I plug it in it beeps and flashes the 3 lights. It's done that before and eventually worked, I would prefer to not have to send it in. Is there anything I could be doing wrong? I had a really big sesh...
  12. B

    Arizer Solo

    I thought an oring came normal with the newer models? and I can tell the thick vapor on low settings is a problem though, it happened all of sudden today. and when i take my bowls out the weed and vape are smoking a little, but the weed is just brown still... EDIT: I read about the orings and it...
  13. B

    Arizer Solo

    I've had the solo for 2 weeks now and have seshed with it quite a bit. Today about halfway through the session the solo mouth piece got very loose, like it would spin around and could come out really easily. This happened to both my mouth pieces. And me and my friends were using it on...
  14. B

    Arizer Solo

    It's still 230$ on their website and around 220$ at the headshops around here
  15. B

    Arizer Solo

    Does anyone know if there is going to be a price drop for this soon? I feel like its been out for awhile and there must be a new one coming out soon
  16. B Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    planning to buy the solo when i get my prepaid tmrw, do you guys know what the estimated wait time is for shipments to winnipeg?
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