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  1. Bearded Dude

    Arizer Solo

    Yea I already started doing that too Dave. Last few sessions have been: Load stem, put in solo, start and heat to 7, wait about a minute or two once it gets there to really let it settle on 7 and then start vaping. I have tried different ways of taking the pull and the "domed screen" method. All...
  2. Bearded Dude

    Arizer Solo

    I had that feeling too, about maybe it was just that herb. A few hours ago I tried a different type and it still performed about the same. Water tube + super fine grind + heat 7 = several medium sized hits until it timed out. Then restarted and another 3-4 hits before it stopped giving any...
  3. Bearded Dude

    Arizer Solo

    I read dried is best so my material has been pretty dry. Stem is definitely all the way in and I have the o-ring so it's nice and snug. Kaptan: it's the SOLO! not pinnacle :)
  4. Bearded Dude

    Arizer Solo

    I know my first post here was kinda lengthy lol.. but any advice would be great. Not sure if my unit is working as it's supposed to. The fact that on Heat Level 2-4 I barely get any noticeable vapor.. and even going for 25 min on level 7 isn't really harsh. ABV looks slightly darkened but no...
  5. Bearded Dude

    Arizer Solo

    Hey all. Recently picked up a Solo and it happens to be a m1c1, without seeing this site and this thread I was finding that anything other than 7 really doesn't give much vapor (even 7 it's not very thick). I found it odd and came here then noticed the couple other people here posting about the...
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