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  1. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Has anyone found a good universal ceramic enail (hopefully w/ cap) for use with the flat coil? I'd really like to not have to re-wrap the coil at all.
  2. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    No big deal in the grand scheme of things. Just figured I would share my experience given the nature of the forum sharing info and what not. Lol, funny clip. Haha, I wasn't really trying to bust them up over the 40 bucks, it just became such a poor interaction overall that I wasn't interested...
  3. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    The flat coil that comes with the uni-nail. Edit: oops, you didn't mean me. My bad.
  4. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Here's what I originally wrote, with some omissions due to Auber reaching back out to me to correct the customer service breakdown. I don't have experience with other units, but have been researching them extensively. That said, I'm an enail noob and the RDK-200 was my first one. Regarding the...
  5. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Sorry, I posted here but now I think I just got an email from Auber support saying they've reconsidered. Let me re-read that and I'll update this accordingly.
  6. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    I can do normal uncapped dabs at 710-ish no problem. However, I wanted to experiment with higher temps because its all new to me and I am trying to find my personal preference which is one of the nice things about a unit such as this. As to whether or not it is realistic to expect a unit such...
  7. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    I know I can just look on youtube, and I will, but I was just wondering what the nectar collector is all about and why you prefer it to an enail in general. Is the collector the one where you heat the tip and dip it in a bowl of oil for a massive hit? Or am I confusing that with something else...
  8. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Nice! Maybe I should have taken the plunge on the 71hotbox originally. I'm happy with my Auber unit, but I definitely would have appreciated saving some money. Oh well. I emailed the hotbox account asking for more info and never got a reply, which was why I did end up pulling the trigger on the...
  9. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Thanks, GSH. I saw in the supplemental manual it says 1.28 for the 15.8mm coil and associated e-nail but I assume it would be somewhat lower for the flat coil. I'll try 1.2 and go from there.
  10. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Has anyone come up with a good temp coefficient value for the Auber Ti universal nail? I saw 1.10 floated as a possibility I think. Overall, I like the enail. Very small package with lots of power. My only complaint so far may not even be specific to the device itself. I guess I expected doing...
  11. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Just got my unit today at work. Can't wait to get home and try her out. I had a couple of quick questions... How long does the unit take to arrive at temp, say 700F. Also, this is my first enail. Is there anything specific to e-nails that's worth knowing before usage?
  12. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Ohhh ok, gotcha. Thanks for the heads up. Each claims a year warranty... however, Auber appears to be an overall more reputable company specializing in actual power applications (even if they aren't a 420 familiar company). Shaving off 30% or so off my costs sounds tempting, but I just know it...
  13. E

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Hi All. I've been lurking but wanted to ask a couple of quick questions. 1) Has anyone come across this 710hotbox 2.0, and if so, any opinions on it? Compared to the RDK-200? 2) Does anyone still have the promo code for the discounted RDK-200? I can't find it but...
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