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  1. M

    Vapexhale Cloud and Sublimator Comparisons

    Look forward to this and the eventual sub versus nimbus debate!
  2. M - Affordable quality glass

    Pulled out my FC Bubbler from GBD this weekend to enjoy with my Cloud and some bubble hash. Well it worked like a champ with the cloud buddy and was part of a great experience. Glad I picked it up for such a great deal!
  3. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm in for $250! Time to go celebrate with an ELB. :-) I can't wait to have one on each side of the bed!
  4. M

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    I can't wait to buy this and not have it be a preorder. I'm also holding out for reviews from you guys who've been receiving the latest serial numbers that verify the latest updates have been implemented.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Big smile on this cloud owners face as I think about owning the next design although my ticker is still going strong!
  6. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Bring it all back to the Bay, VXL!!!
  7. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Customer Care Manager who lives in Bay Area reporting for duty. Tell me where to submit my resume, VXL!
  8. M

    The HI

    I was added to the list on 10/24. Thank you for letting us know when you were added. Won't be long now I'd guess!
  9. M

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    Me too. Dont use a portable much so demand isnt great enough for me to risk it.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The old clicker is still going strong as ever! This thing is a beast. I just noticed how dirty my bamboo is. For some reason I never think to clean it.
  11. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    My original clicker purchased last summer is going strong! This thing still amazes. :rockon:
  12. M - Affordable quality glass

    I bought one of the first FC bubblers from Sam and have had no problems with it or him. I just finished off some Bubble Hash by means of "Cloud w/ Cloud Buddy and GBD FC Bubbler". It is a brilliant way to spend a vacation morning!
  13. M

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    It's good seeing so many of the replacements are being received. I look forward to some more impressions on the slight changes that keep coming.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I bring cloud to face nearly all the time.
  15. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I leave my cloud on the buddy while partaking. Enjoy about 3 or so then take out elb and stir with poker. Put cloud back on buddy and enjoy what is left in stirred elb. Works quite well so far. Cloud #554 still ticking with 0 problems since owning it! Love VXL!!!
  16. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Dubai is on my list of countries that I wont bring my cloud to. The only country not on the list is US. I got another list of states I wont bring my cloud too...
  17. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I load straight kief in elb with much success. Cloud #554 going strong no problems since purchase. Thanks VXL for such an awesome product!
  18. M

    Need to move to a warm MM state

    See you in California
  19. M

    Outrage: Texas Women Cavity Searched by Police Over Alleged Marijuana Smell

    My sister lives in TX and it does indeed suck from what ive seen and experienced.
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