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  1. G


    For some reason I cannot get my ABV to come out dark brown (like vitolo's). I am getting about 3 hits/stem with the usual declining amounts of vapor until about the fourth when nothing more comes out. The ABV I am getting has a little green in it. Anything to be concerned about? Other than...
  2. G


    Ohhhhhh man this beautiful lil thing packs a hit =]. I'm seriously impressed. :) I'm finding I may need to grind my bud more finely, but all around a great first go! quick q, is there as much a need with the RZ to move the bud around in the stem after a couple hits?
  3. G


    am I correct to assume the little copper color cap goes on when the zap is one but not in use?
  4. G


    a pleasure to hold? i think so heating up... will use in an hour (?)
  5. G


    Looks like it's time to change the thread title :D
  6. G


    that looks very nice! the more angles i see, the better they look!!
  7. G


    Chatoya1 I chose you! Hope it ain't top heavy like someone noted. :) Ship Wed apparently , hopefully here by Friday for a happy weekend!
  8. G


    That certainly is some great looking ABV, Vitolo. Hopefully I can get mine soon, waiting on the new ones!
  9. G


    Sent ya an e-mail, Rick. Awesome service on an awesome forum!! :ninja: CAN"T WAIT!
  10. G


    rick... are the rockzaps coming out that soon man? I dunno if id be able to handle the buyers remorse since im strapped for cash... could we maybe do a thing were you hold on to the $$ and I pay the diff later? Maybe we should discuss this on pm....
  11. G


    Just ordered mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11oneone I decided to get the Myrtle Wood instead of the Cherry wood... how long you guys think till it gets here? I CAN"T WAIT random, if I was to move abroad in the next month after using this unit, what would I have to clean in order for it to be clear to...
  12. G


    Thanks to the nice couple of gentlemen that pointed me in the right direction in chat tonight, it looks like I will be ordering a nice cherry ss zap tomorrow! It will replace the mflb I have as my main vap unit, so excited!
  13. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Yeah that's what she doesn't get. She is from another culture where weed was demonized, and, in reality, you cannot expect to change someone's viewpoints on something they have had for 30+ years just because u want to suddenly influence them... I went back to the disposable gatorade bongs I've...
  14. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Well guys, after a great first 3 weeks with the MFLB, my dear mother decided to sneak through my room and throw it out :( (she had already done that and thrown out my vaporcannon 3g, along with pieces, bongs, etc.. everything... Which was the reason I got the MFLB) Just simply put $100 in the...
  15. G

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Just ordered my MFLB from Vape World through VapeChris. He hooked me up with a very nice discount! Ships tomorrow with free 2-3 day priority shipping! Can't wait to receive it! Thanks again if you see this Chris!
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