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  1. Baked55

    Flowermate vapormax V5.0S

    Looking to get my brother into vaping it only have a limited budget. Looking to get a flowermate vapormax V5.0S or another similar vape for a good price. Hoping to keep it around $60 with shipping to canada. Send me a message if you have anything to offer.
  2. Baked55

    What's The Best Vape Related Purchase You Recently Made?

    By far the lotus has been the best purchase I have made. Instantly became my daily driver and has cut my consumption in half, also my hardest hitting.
  3. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I had out off buying one of these for 2 weeks and finally bought one last night. Of course when I wake up today i see it's like $10 less.
  4. Baked55

    Anyone else have a really low tolerance?

    I would take a week t break. Then try and fill your bowl with as little as it can have and still work. Using a vape such as a lotus or something similar that does great with small loads really helps. And take a few hits and wait a little bit before taking anymore. Doing just this I was able to...
  5. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hey was wondering your guys opinion on which is the best recycler would be. Doesn't Necessarily have to vortex as long as it recycles. From following the thread it seems like probably the Kathy ratchet recycler but just wanted to be sure. Was also interested in the grab labs one but I realize no...
  6. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Lol yes that was a typo was supposed to be 18 mm. And ya I noticed there wasent anywhere for the screen but I usually do elbow packs and hardly any falls out anyway. Thanks for checking for me.
  7. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Wondering if anyone with the EQ has bought the 18 mm female to female from sunshine store. Hoping I would be able to get a couple of them to replace the cyclone bowl but just wanted to make sure they fit good.
  8. Baked55

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Could be how far your filling your bowl. At first I would fill the bowl to the top or close to it and would have issues with the bowl charring and sometimes combusting. Found that keeping the bowl half full or less I almost never have any issues (as long as I don't go crazy with the heat).
  9. Baked55

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Just picked up a lighter slightly smaller then this one and couldn't believe how well it worked. I did have one cheap honest one that did work really well but after about 5 months it finally crapped out on me and none of the other 5 I have work near as well.
  10. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I usually have the water just below the honeycomb to get it to fire good. I just try not to pull to hard or some water can get pulled into the top perk and then it won't fire anymore
  11. Baked55

    Discontinued Daisy vaporizer by Triihouse

    Have you tried purging the lighter. Have had a couple that seemed like they were garbage but after a quick purge they were good as new
  12. Baked55

    Extracting from AVB- Best Practices & Methods

    It does to a point. But once your at the recommended point (about 2-3 min for qwet or 30-45 sec for qwiso) then you are just extracting the unwanted stuff that makes it more harsh. And as for straining I usually use either a tea strainer or cheese cloth to get the big pieces then coffee filter...
  13. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I have the YQ-42 and it has been one of my favourite pieces. Love using it with my lotus. It's at the perfect height to easily see and has enough diffusion to make It nice and smooth without taking away to much flavour. There is a little drag but nothing to extreme.
  14. Baked55

    No Caffeine Thread & Poll

    Used to drink a cup or 2 Almost every day. But started making me feel sick so about a year ago I stopped. Was actually easier then I expected especially considering I have to get up at 5 am just about every day.
  15. Baked55

    Going back to smoking...So different...

    I was really hesitant to try the lotus at first because I didn't think a vape using a torch would work that great. Just didn't see the point. But after all the great reviews I decided to give it a shot. And wow it's amazing and has took over as my daily driver getting used probably 80% of the...
  16. Baked55

    How much herb do you utilize in one session/day/week

    Started out smoking an oz every 2 weeks. Then I switched to vaping and cut my usage in half to an oz a month. Over the past few months I've been working on lowering my tolerance and now 10g lasts me a month.
  17. Baked55

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Won't regret it. I also have an extreme q and it hardly ever gets turned on anymore
  18. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Haha don't really have the money to go for a risk. But that recycler looks pretty interesting. Probably gonna be that or the d022
  19. Baked55

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Been looking for some cheap china glass to go with my lotus. I have the d020 right now but find it puts the lotus a little close to my face. Been thinking about the d022 but wondering if anyone knew of something that would work better.
  20. Baked55

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Wish I had the money for the mass drop deal right now. Hoping that they end Up back on there when funds pick up again. Would love a satchmo to go with my classics
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