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  1. jdee

    Impurities Found In ALL Canned Butane...Not Good

    Here is what Graywolf posted yesterday ------------------------------------- Marty, the project manager, has been gone all week, so that was not who was talked to at Specialty Analytical. He told me that they had taken a special interest in the project and had gone over it in more detail than...
  2. jdee

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Do you only reply to certain people in PM? I messaged you last week, and you've been quite active on the forum since then, but no reply.
  3. jdee

    Gear Bigger Dome or Smaller Dome?

    I'd be more concerned with the size of the rig. small oil rig = huge flavor, anything else = not so huge flavor. The more AIR that is allowed to mix (due to having a large piece, or using domes) with your delicious, flavorful vapor, the less intense the flavor will be. Out of all the things...
  4. jdee

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I was referring to the blatant theft of other peoples hard work happening within the e-cig industry at the moment by fasttech. for example the nemesis mod by atmomixani 130eur not...
  5. jdee

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I can't wait until fasttech does what they do best, which is theft of intellectual property, and sells a thermovape cera for $50, so I can post about the incredible savings I got and OF can 'like' my post.
  6. jdee

    Looking for a portable, healthy, durable vaporizer for concentrates. Price and stealth not an issue.

    what's the resistance in ohms on the hercules sr-71? because the DNA20 board can do 7.4 volts @ 2.8 ohms = 19.5 watts
  7. jdee

    Looking for a portable, healthy, durable vaporizer for concentrates. Price and stealth not an issue.

    does hercules work using 510/ego to m601 thread adapter if its connected to say a DNA20 powered ecig? here are the specs output power 7 to 20 watts output voltage 4 to 8.3 volts atomizer resistance 0.6 to 3.3 ohms
  8. jdee

    Looking for a portable, healthy, durable vaporizer for concentrates. Price and stealth not an issue.

    Have you considered not overpaying for a simple wick+coil setup? most BHO pens are nothing more than bridgeless atomizers, you can get the whole setup for under $7 from and the replacement heads only cost $1.68. get an ego to 510 adapter...
  9. jdee

    Impurities Found In ALL Canned Butane...Not Good

    So if I want to use vape pens, and not inhale impurities, and live in canada where everclear is not available, what are my options?
  10. jdee

    The Grasshopper

    I noticed ZenPen said they have sourced brass with NO LEAD. Can we please clarify what exactly NO LEAD means? As far as I'm aware Naval Brass is called LEAD FREE, yet still contains trace amounts of LEAD. LEAD is not food safe.
  11. jdee

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I have the original pre-order ones that were a little too large and requiring force to insert/remove, to empty them I gently squeeze while rolling on my fingers, to clean I just let them soak in iso. a few of them the top part ripped right off (as a result of being too large and requiring force...
  12. jdee

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm down to my last ELB, all others have fallen apart, hopefully it stays together until EVO ships
  13. jdee

    Pen The Sutra Pen Vape

    Would like a better picture of the cup,coil for the halo 510 titanium dome attachement, because it looks one step closer to what would be ideal for me, which is a 510 threaded titanium heating element for oil, or at the very least something that is USER rebuildable. resistance wire is cheap and...
  14. jdee

    The BHOLT vaporizer

    Or if you want to elevate a sunken positive pin on an ego batt/510 connection without destroying your device you can gently pry it up alternating sides using a small flathead or the file on nail clippers.
  15. jdee

    Gear E-nail by Highly Educated

    you can't buy it because all the units failed, and it was pulled from the market, for being garbage.
  16. jdee

    The BHOLT vaporizer

    That's cool, this is what happens when you buy disposable batteries, they eventually need to be disposed of. Why not just get a nice battery tube with 510 threaded topcap, and use IMR 18350,18500,18650 batteries, that are easily replaceable, and cheap? Super-t simplicity is made in USA, comes...
  17. jdee

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    if only Cera used M20x1 many other ecigs that happen to have great buttons
  18. jdee

    Discontinued Sonic vaporizer

    looks like a nightmare to clean, compared to a solo stem.
  19. jdee

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    I'm gonna do this eventually, as I have tons of mechanical mods, rebuild-able atomizers, stainless steel cable/mesh, silica, ekowool, kanthal round and ribbon wire. Although I would love to see a titanium nail, made to work on a 510 connection. I don't wanna have to deal with rebuilding wicks...
  20. jdee

    vape pen for hash has anyone tried this? the replacement heads are only $1.68 and shipping is free looks to be the same as BHOLT but without the need to pay for new gong joints everytime you wanna replace a head, which brings down the cost quite a bit.
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