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  1. Yoosh

    I think I can be forgiven for digging out the pipe and lighter...

    My dog once peed the bed and he felt so bad he ran and hid in the closet under my piles of clothes. I wasn't mad at all but after cleaning and changing the sheets, no matter what I did, he wouldn't get back in the bed. I'm not sure if it was just me anthropomorphizing the situation but he looked...
  2. Yoosh

    TV Shows - General Discussion

    Just finished the new adult animated show on Netflix, Bojack Horseman. Some episodes are funnier than others-it's got a dramatic streak to it-but I found it sort of charming and oddly intriguing. Worth a look if you're into Archer, Bob's Burgers, or the like.
  3. Yoosh

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Bought Dead Island for 8 bucks. Not bad. I have never hacked at a zombie so precisely before lol.
  4. Yoosh

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Woe is me...
  5. Yoosh

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Anyone have a good, simple vvps recommendation?
  6. Yoosh

    Herb Grinders

    The burly grip on the MM is probably what makes the difference then! I do think the tooth design is smarter on the scs so its most likely that. If I could only have one it'd definitely be the SCS 3pc. It's really all you need. I just like having a 2pc as well for some variety/odd jobs.
  7. Yoosh

    Herb Grinders

    Almost. The mendo is ever so slightly larger. About 1/2 a cm. I have (and recommend) the double-thick model that's heavier and sturdier with a knurled grip. It's a nice change of pace from the sleek, luxurious style/feel of the scs. I believe so? Not sure. I think it comes down to the tooth...
  8. Yoosh

    portable vaporizer?

    Out of my 10+ portable vapes (what is wrong with me?) the Firefly fits your description the best. It's a handsome, flavorful, cloud-producing devil. :brow:
  9. Yoosh

    Herb Grinders

    It cuts through dank/wet material better than the scs, imo. Scs is my daily grinder and makes a wonderful, fluffy consistency but it doesn't handle the sticky icky as well as the mendo lol. edit: by 'sticky icky' i dont mean top-shelf, just herb that could perhaps use some drying out.
  10. Yoosh

    Discontinued Vapolution 2.0

    I think through the website is def the way to go @darius. I don't own one myself but I hear the AIW bowl is a must have. The buddy bowl or vapor barrel with a carb would be a nice addition too-for some variety.
  11. Yoosh

    Herb Grinders

    I've been using my 3pc SCS for about 2 weeks now and it great. 3pc SCS + 2pc Mendo Mulcher = all i'll ever need
  12. Yoosh

    VaporGenie or Vaponic ?

    I understand the urge to try vaping before 'converting' but I think you should consider it more in terms of your health and lifestyle. There's a lot of added (unhealthy) things that are burned along with weed when combusting that contribute to your smoking high so vaping is gonna feel a bit...
  13. Yoosh

    VaporGenie or Vaponic ?

    I have both the Vaponic and (a smattering) of Vaporgenies and they're both great. Different purposes though. For a first vape I'd go with a Vaporgenie as it's capable of producing much larger clouds. Outside of those I'd recommend the MFLB or Flowermate for low cost, first-vape options.
  14. Yoosh

    R.I.P. Robin Williams

    I just wish someone was able to help him like he needed. It's downright criminal that someone who brought such light into this world had to die surrounded by his own darkness. Please please please help to turn around the stigma regarding mental illness. I don't know what I'd do if Jim Carrey...
  15. Yoosh

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Guess who just bought Dark Souls..... *pre-breaks controller*
  16. Yoosh

    Fuck you !!!

  17. Yoosh

    Favorite vaporizer for wax?

    Since w9tech has already been well represented I'll throw my vote in for Thermovapes first generation tech-the Revolution and DART. You can buy the TV handle and batteries (it's where they really shine) but, if you get the low voltage, you can through the carts on any ego batt for an experience...
  18. Yoosh

    portable vaporizer?

    Flowermate is the simplest, easiest on-the-go vape I own. I'm also a big fan of my Magic Flight Launch Box but that requires a different work ethic haha.
  19. Yoosh

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Oh my goodness that piece on the right...I just need-QUIET VAS JUST BE QUIET FOR ONCE PLEASE
  20. Yoosh

    Positive Feedback

    Buyer: @Ace.357 Item: Firefly Cost of Item: $155 Shipping: Quick as can be! Rating: 5 out of 5 Comments: This isn't the first or the last time that I'll be buying up Ace's vape hand-me-downs. :nod:
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