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  1. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    wow man that dog is beautiful! T-12 hours until my first pup is in my hands I can't wait!!:love::love::love:
  2. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Wait there is a DIY vvps kit?
  3. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can get a vvps to turn the temps higher or lower than standard. If you only want to lower the temps and want a cheap quick fix you can order a $6 light dimmer.
  4. cameronuu

    Exotic Wood Blanks for Heirloom Quality Custom Log Vapes & Vapor Stems

    WOW that satinwood and norway maple!!!
  5. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    You know I was only kidding! I wouldn't have ordered a purpleheart if I didn't love it :P
  6. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That's good news! I got the boring old purpleheart cylinder ;) And I ordered short GonGs so it might be a little hot but I will still give it a shot!
  7. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    So my first pup should be arriving Tuesday (damn holidays) and I am so excited! Unfortunately it just clicked in my head that I might not be able to use my dog with my zob because it is stemless :/ Hopefully my dog is skinny enough to work with it, if not I might have an aromadog for a few days...
  8. cameronuu

    Introducing Chippy Malone's custom fine metal vaping accessories

    looks promising! I would really love to get my hands on one of those rimmed dishes you have in the picture on the left for my kief/hash pile!
  9. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Ordered my first dog last Sunday, can't wait to join the club and break him in :)
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