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  1. DigitalDavinci

    Wake n Bake - you gotta love it.

    Fun morning ritual I've begun to do with my wake and bake...I take fresh juices and use them as a mouth bong like suggested in the PD thread. It makes your hits taste so yummy, and it keeps with the breakfast theme. I also bored out a 90 degree angle in a apple and man it was good. The 90 degree...
  2. DigitalDavinci

    I have sinned *gasp* Combustion!

    How the hell is everybody? Long time no type. I've been busy, and life's been more busy. Well I sinned yesterday...I plugged my PD into a non-working outlet, so I had to choke down (literally) a combustion bowl. First time in about a month and a hlaf I've smoked. WOW. I got high, but man my body...
  3. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I continue to hover around this thread like a child infront of a candy store. I want one so bad (VRIP WAND), but the cost to get everythinfg else I'll need to use it is just too much. On my list but I'll have to pay 33% more, for times are just too tough these days. I jope to hear some more good...
  4. DigitalDavinci


    Well due to the transaction of selling my VG to a work buddy, he is now purchasing a PD. I guess he just needed to be shown how awesome vaporizing actually is before he graduated to a cleaner way of vaporizing (for me at least). He also has hit the PD many times, and he can't believe the...
  5. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    CONGRADS AtoZ!!!!!! Glad to see you are now on the side with us degenerates. :lol: You think the thing is awesome now. Just wait two weeks until you REALY get the hang of it...All I have to say is...there is nothing to say. :P Keep us informed on how the learning process goes for you. Just when...
  6. DigitalDavinci

    Overall favorite vaporizer/ one youve always wanted

    I love the wand too, but I gave all my glass so I'd have to buy a water pipe as well as the wand. The price would be the breaker, but I'm not too sure how much the VRIP is gonna sell for. DBV is easliy under 250 USD for what I want in both functionality and custom glass.
  7. DigitalDavinci

    Overall favorite vaporizer/ one youve always wanted

    Maybe I'm just a simple soul, but a DBV with maybe some custom glass would be cool. Although the glass would be a splurge for me. AtoZ you'll love your decision with the PD, and I too think haveing a more stationary unit for home use is a fun idea. For those HUGE F'IN HITS!!! ...or just for...
  8. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Makes sense man...when I start a grow again I'll give it a shot. It makes sense to grow organic, but I just did it the once with a freinds crop. It worked great, and it did taste lovely. I just figured it was because the strain was from BC (Canada). They have the best bud for the sensations I...
  9. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I've used fox farm porducts with luck in the past, and I have a buddy that has used iguana juice with some decent results. It is hard to tell with organics, and I've been a general hydro loyal customer in the past as a base nute. I don't require an organic grow, but maybe I should. Seeing how I...
  10. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    AtoZ...actually H1414 said exactly what else I've tried (except it was spice diamond and no lotus). I also have tried cat nip, mint, and lime leaves mixed after drying, and it was yummy. I have bought another round of tubes from Tom and Pam, so I use 2 for non-MJ herbs/duff. The other four I...
  11. DigitalDavinci

    Opinions on some Vape Models

    Purple Days is awesome for conservation, true flavor addicts, and customer service. All Rohs compliant materials, made in USA, and crafted by hand by Tom and Pammy Also I'll be purchasing a DBV (Da Buddha Vape) in a month or so...I'll be happy to give my :2c: in the review threads.
  12. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Nice dude...urban poetry. Starting a very eclectic bunch here in PD land. Pretty cool peeps from all walks of life. DD
  13. DigitalDavinci

    Vapor Spam Thread

    I'll be your roadie/grow assistant. I just need a place to sleep on the floor, all the bud I can vape, and you'll have to let me sing along with my horrible voice from time to time. I'm in computers as it sucks!. I need to make something with my hands. In the past I could ask my next...
  14. DigitalDavinci

    Thoughts on Barack Obama and Marijuana

    Prop 5 (sorry it didn't pass Cali :disgust: ) is exactly the point I was making in the Legalize it forum. By the vote not passing, then more attention is being spent on the overcrowded jails of Cali. The people will begin to look at solutions once taxes must be raise to build more jails. People...
  15. DigitalDavinci

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    HEY...jees you work abunch, come back, and find the whole community is getting a PD. AWESOME glad to have you in the club H1414! AtoZ. I'm so excited for you man! Besides you have a knowledge of the etbotanicals that is rivaled only by some other members here that I can read. I know I'm able to...
  16. DigitalDavinci

    Legalize It! Your comments.

    I want to let you guys battle this out. Good read for the most part. I don't do the gun battle...just a personal thing of the family. When you've heard what my wife and I have seen in our seperate journey's through life, then you may understand why that type of talk makes me uneasy. Great part...
  17. DigitalDavinci

    Legalize It! Your comments.

    careful dude (AtoZ). Many seeds still get confiscated because it is a federal thing...not a state thing. Also radiation still is used in some areas (large cities) to comabt anthrax. Also...I have read of people being happy, and getting screwed on forums from some amsterdam companies. I don't...
  18. DigitalDavinci

    FC Suggestion/Idea Box

    I'm off to bed, but I'd like to hear about this laser stuff, glo-rods, and solar hits. The others I've heard of. Looking ofrward tot he read tomorrow. night all. DD
  19. DigitalDavinci

    Legalize It! Your comments.

    Cheers man. I know more aboutg rowing than vapeing. I try to stick to things I know around here. Too many know more than me to talk shit. I'd love to start my own grow journal thread. I think I will in JAN if I grow. Good for everyone to see, and needed for a farmer. :brow:
  20. DigitalDavinci

    Legalize It! Your comments. can come by at harvest time, and I'll put you to work clipping and cleaning. I loved that job back in the day. You always get the best buds, sticky fingers, sore scissor hands, and all the leaf matter you could take home for brownies. Good work, and you get to see some good...
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