Hi if you want to ban me for saying all vaporizers are lame asf. Compared to this you can use a sc3+ in your car it heats up quick compared to the alpha and sc3. This thing is like a steam engine horn bro.
Hi why you tripping about using a log vaporizer with issues of inhaling cannabis herb. Well better than combustion and inhaling benzene. But it's your grips if not bro use the fine mesh screen including the semi corse ones. Have 2 screens if you hate preticulate matter. Which Underdog has two...
I got two Underdog VVPS one can do max 12.5v & other 12.4v, but they all heat soak decreasing in voltage. I don't do max 12.5v on sc3+ or alpha just sc3. Why use scoop just suck your semi dry material up. Tastes great if not just make a mini funnel out of chapstick container or funnel type paper...
Hi lol. I guess one user understands my useage 🤣
Right 2 alphas and 2 sc3 left coffee as fudge lol sc3+ tastes like over done popcorn not combusted at all just like coffee grounds.
Lol done with alpha my room was filled last night I was tripping 😂 this thing rips. I gave my pax 3 to my homi...
left coffee color sc3+ 10.5 10.4 right alpha 11.0 to 12.5 and including sc3 at 12.5 all light brown green. I can revape avb in sc3+ to coffee color but the it tastes like some muslin bag.
Lol clouds this thing can fill a room.
Hi. Bro I have issues with my alpha core, I don't get full extraction on like freakin 11.8 to 12.2. No sense either on 12.5. And I mean full extraction on SC3+ & SC3. I think it's just because the direct draw nylon is not getting the correct heat. Lol I think I should stick to my SC3+ for micro...
It highly depends on strain and humidity of the flowers or herb. Gong I can get 4 good hits or more. Ss 2 or 3 good strong terpy hits, last night got my Underdog smoking like fresh turned burned wood. Lol had a dc plug at 3 amps going man super heat up.
Haven't got any just my trusty Walnut
Underdog Vaporizer Full Figure Walnut
Underdog Vaporizer Full Figure Walnut
Full Figure Walnut Underdog Vaporizer
Underdog Vaporizer
Half the store yolo.
Jobillo, Cocobolo, Bubinga, Black and White Ebony, Vintage Multiwood, Paradise Ca, Citrus Alpha, Jatoba, Red Heart Lost Dog Sc3+. I used to turn wood in high school this is top notch work and smell brings me back to high school.
Hi thanks again for the Lost Dog, Vintage, Sc3+, & Alpha. Can't wait to post pictures of the new collection. Fellow vape head Tom
Pokémon gotta catch em all!!!