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  1. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    I hate to hear about all these FF failures. I bought mine in July and it's still going strong, taking turns with a Lotus; lastly, a Pax when only it will do. I'm ready for something else to add to the arsenal in the portable realm. MFLB, Flowermate, Vapman? So many choices.
  2. Seasoned Senior

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    Not familiar with the term. What I'm using is waxy in nature. Small quantity each time. Full melt. No residue. MFLB suggests the size of the ball bearing on top of the box. Much less than I used in a nail, but no waste.
  3. Seasoned Senior

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    I love this little box. I followed the instructions, used the tiniest dab I could, and had the best tasting hit of concentrate ever. It was a one-hit wonder. Nothing left on the screen and no debris on the new brass plate insert. The neighbors liked it too. After about four or five little dabs...
  4. Seasoned Senior

    Muad-Dib Concentrate Box

    Muad-Dib out for delivery. Never had an MFLB. I've used Ti nails and Hive Ceramic nails for concentrates. I'm tired of playing with fire. I hope this does the job.
  5. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    I have an external charger and two batteries. Sometimes it feels like a part-time job keeping them charged. I wouldn't mind another battery or two. Thankfully, it's one of a few devices. Variety in delivery and material suits me well.
  6. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    I give it to the less fortunate. He smokes it, cooks with it, swears he made brownies and lost two days. I'm lazy.
  7. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    First hit doesn't count. That's rule number one for me. It's simply an appetizer of what's to come, almost like smelling the wine before sipping it. I take a whole nugget and pack it in there. After a few hits, I flip it over. Another few hits, I begin breaking it apart resulting in very...
  8. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Congrats on your Diamond Pax. Pax was my first portable, and I think it's the nicest looking portable vape and best for stealth except for smell. I love my Firefly, but I can't see myself sitting on a beach sucking on what looks like a 10-year-old cell phone. Pax's greatest drawback for me is...
  9. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    It's why we love these little beauties.
  10. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I received my second Lotus. Two homes, so I end up with two of everything. The upgraded sleek lighter I ordered last time wasn't listed. The basic Honest lighter that came with the new kit works much better than the sleek. I must have gotten a good one. Straight up and down and never fails. I...
  11. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    That was close. ;)
  12. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    I use the dental picks that have bristles on them with some ISO. The brush can be bent at a 90-degree angle and does a pretty effective job at scrubbing. I also insert it in the top slot and then through the mouthpiece.
  13. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    I second the Iolite Wispr 7 hole screen discs. I really enjoy keeping my equipment clean. :tup:
  14. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    So glad to read that. The Herbalizer is so tempting, I won't even open that thread anymore.
  15. Seasoned Senior

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Been away from my FF for three weeks and miss it. A quick question. My technique is the same as @steama and @natural farmer, but after holding the button for about 20 seconds, it changes from flashing green to solid, so I usually stop pressing it at that point. Is there any reason to keep...
  16. Seasoned Senior

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Love my newly acquired Lotus, especially with the WPA, and my Firefly, and my Pax is convenient; yet, I still have VAS for an MFLB or even, dare I say it, a Muad Dib.
  17. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I just went back to the Lotus website to look at some things. I notice the pipe cover I received doesn't have the little grooves in the metal plate like the ones pictured. I purchased directly from MT. Did I receive the old style plate or the new plate? Never mind. I went back several pages...
  18. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I'm definitely enjoying some wonderful Lotus blooms. I'm sure there's a learning curve, but I've combusted a few times. :huh: I can't read through 184 pages. It tastes much better than my Pax, I still love my FF, but the Lotus is delivering big time. I hope a part-time job of charging batteries...
  19. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    My Labor Day special Lotus was delivered. I tried it with the WPA so I could see what it was producing and if my technique was okay based on everything I've read. I'm very happy with the results. I was surprised that it came with an extra plate, which raises the question how do you damage the...
  20. Seasoned Senior

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Ordered yesterday from MT. Already shipped. :)
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