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  1. Rocco

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Ya I checked and I didnt get the extra battery with my order since it was A January 15th and they have the others in stock or something of that nature. But yeah its not that big of a deal, I had to pay a stupid ticket recently so I guess I was sore thinking 5 bucks was wasted. Then again thats...
  2. Rocco

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Whoa what!? So us loyal TET customers that Pre-order and give our money months in advance get the short end of the stick? I mean its only five bucks but sill, its the principle guys :doh: Edit: Tweek has a good point though...
  3. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I second that motion! :cheers: Just got myself A small, metal, medical insulin carry case at wally world tonight for under ten bucks,currently my 6v Evo is warming up the seat for Cera's arrival. Ill be sure to post pics once I she gets here! edit: Oh and Jivebuggered, if you inquire you to...
  4. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hooray to TET for almost getting these pre-orders done, they desrve A big pat on the back! Theyve had issues but you've gotta hand it to them for handling everything with CLASS A attitude, more companies need to be like this and I will still support them despite their downfalls, I mean thats...
  5. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Id recommend checking out the Ebay first,I just scored a steal on their with an Evo set up (almost got a deal on a T1 too, alas I was outbid :| ) I kinda keep a watch on it and theres some alright prices (better than retail sites) going on ATM.
  6. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Exactly which one did you get? And did you have to do any tricks to get it working or just plug and play?I am definitely getting one of these as A temporary latch option! Just need to know exactly which one will work best, ebay has alot of these with different colors and panels:hmm: edit: Oh...
  7. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Ahhh man this makes me wish mine was here already! Im coockoo for Cera puffs!:freak:
  8. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Well I went ahead and tried it, so far it doesnt seem to have burnt the core out or anything. How did you know your dart burnt out? Just didn't light anymore? or did it make any noise? So far I'm actually impressed with the results, heats the core to red in an instant and provides for thick...
  9. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Thanks for the warning Haywood! I think I may just take my chances with getting the LV core rewired by TET for High Performance and then I will inquire as to what would happen if hypothetically, I did run the LV core at 6v and will see what wisdom they will shed on the subject for me, or would...
  10. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Lol, yes its that dark goop material that comes from some QWISO with too much chlorophyl (in this batch at least). Anyways, ya I just scrape it onto a screen and make a little hot dog or basket to encase the oil and then I also have another regular screen on the bottom part resting on the TET...
  11. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Do you know if I can use the same battery that came weith my regular LV EVO? or does it require A slightly more powerful one? Thanks for enlightening me about the HP LV EVO everybody, man TET is mad scientist of the Vaporizer world for sure, those people working their are sure lucky (though...
  12. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Dang sounds fun, maybe if my LV was high performance I would use it more, just doesnt quite cut the cake for me like my 6v Evo does. Though the 6v requires more battery changing and gets damn hot, especially when using some thick oils. Im guessing they probably sold these at the beginning months...
  13. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Whooooooaaaaa what!? Theres an LV high performance? Or does that mean you sent it to Thermovape to upgrade/rebuild the core? Whats the difference between a regular LV and the "high performance?''
  14. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Bummer man, I thought your post meant that It was there just waiting to be picked up or delivered, hope it gets to ya soon enough!:spliff:
  15. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Good way to start the Week! Have fun with your new toys Quetzalcoatl!
  16. Rocco

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Here's my wee little addition to the EVO to add improvement of heat in the chamber and encourages a slow heavy draw that produces clouds just short of being big enough to cause a cough, which can be good in some situations if your in public. Anyways I just used A small 4in x 6in microfiber cloth...
  17. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Would metal rubbing against the cermaic body cause scuff marks and scratches as well?
  18. Rocco

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Thats the spirit iamn3ko I have assigned my old TET bubble shipping jar to be the holding cell for any contraption I see that may catch may eye, may it be a spring, cap or some sort, or metal piecing that could be relevant to latching options or just protoype purposes, etc..
  19. Rocco

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    The less you expect for free the more you will enjoy and treasure what you do get. I know TET likes to talk a bigger game than they can handle at times but they still constantly look at how to play the game properly and bring a bigger bat each time theyre up to batting plate IMO. At least your...
  20. Rocco

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Thanks alot for the advice and giving your take on the subject OF. You've nearly always got the answers we seek for and if not you point us in the right direction. I Imagine this thread would most definitley be dull to say the least without your well rounded skills and knowledge to aid in our...
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