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  1. pyronym

    Possible laser vape

    If you could set this up and working then maybe you could get another laser to pop some popcorn for your munchies like in real genius.
  2. pyronym

    Silver Surfer (SSV) & Accessories Picture Thread.

    This is my second ssv I let my bud keep my first which was a red and black scheme. I was pissed because I wanted to find some pics of the rainbows edge before I orderd this but I said f it and just bit the bullet. So here are some pics I just took I bought the ice chamber after reading a few...
  3. pyronym

    ssv with bag

    I just bought another ssv to keep at my place I gave my buddy my first one. I like the whip style simply for the ritual (sitting in a circle passing the whip) but I think thats only good for up to four people imho. I was wondering how exactly the nebulizer pump worked I was thinking that if...
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