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  1. Looper

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    You could try a toothpick as mentioned earlier by someone. (Right when I was writing this @Shit Snacks already mentions the same thing.) I don't know if that would help though since you already used the pipe cleaners, which should be better. I have been using screenless, but I think I'm gonna...
  2. Looper

    FXU vaporizer

    So anyone got a review on this vaporizer. Just a a post on the subreddit vaporents.
  3. Looper

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    Had two sessions with the indica. Get back to you when I'm out of this indica. :ko:
  4. Looper


    I think I'm starting to understand the thread now.
  5. Looper


    I am completely lost at the end of this thread. I can't follow the conversatino....
  6. Looper

    Herb Grinders

    Funny enough in the end, I got a Puffitup 4 part aluminum grinder because I ordered an Indica on puffitup. Should be coming in the mail soon. :brow:
  7. Looper

    Worst Vapes On The Market

    Thats a great second vaporizer. I would couple that with a bubbler since it fits well in either 18mm or 14mm I believe. I recommending also getting a soft flame torch lighter like this one. Enjoy those clouds.
  8. Looper

    Arizer Solo

    Screens are worth it imo, but I would get those atmos glass screens previously mentioned.
  9. Looper

    Arizer Solo

    Should I wait on getting an Arizer solo due to the defects or am I good?
  10. Looper

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Whats the dimension of the mflb whip tube and does a firewood capsule fit in the chamber? Also what is the silicone tubing needed to replace the heating chamber?
  11. Looper

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Could someone post a video with the vapir no2 and the pinnacle bullets? Thanks!
  12. Looper

    REMOVE Indica Vaporizer

    Looking to buy an Indica Vaporizer. Hopefully someone has one. Reason I ask is I have some Paypal money and don't feel like tranferring it. Thanks.
  13. Looper

    Vapman or Hammer

    Thank you for the thorough response. The reason I prefer the vapman is its form factor compare to the hammer. I dont like the glass piece sticking out of the hammer vs the all in one piece of the vapman. I might now consider the Hammer in the mix due to it being convection and not having to use...
  14. Looper

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    League of Legends. Don't know if it has been mentioned. Probably though. Love this game.
  15. Looper

    Arizer Solo

    What about this one?
  16. Looper

    Arizer Solo This powerbank has a DC USB Charger.
  17. Looper

    Arizer Solo

    Has anyone tried using a powerbank to charge the arizer solo?
  18. Looper

    Vapman or Hammer

    Last question. Can the vapman do concentrates with cotton or a layer or weed? Thanks.
  19. Looper

    Vapman or Hammer

    Thanks for all your input. I am now possibly considering the firewood vaporizer in the mix? Any input on that? Also can the vapman combust or no? Not liking the hammer anymore.
  20. Looper

    The vapes I'll probably never even try

    What's the particular reason for not trying the solo or Indica Vaporizer?
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