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  1. B

    Will anybody smoke in 50 years

    In my country i think smoking cigs will become too expensive. It already costs more than $1 per cig with price rises twice a year, every year. I have never met a smoker who used straight mj in 2 1/2 decades of smoking. As a 2g weed/5-6cigs a day mj/tobacco smoker, i am now saving around $100...
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    Are you primarily at recreational or medical user?

    Recreational. I enjoy being stoned :science:.
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    Driving whilst high

    I hope i didn't offend anyone either. It was only about a month ago that i made a conscious decision not to drive while stoned (following about 18 months of feeling increasingly conflicted about doing so). Prior to this, I drove whilst stoned for 25+ years without any worries whatsoever...
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    TV Shows - General Discussion

    Lol at 'housos'. I really wanted to hate housos but it was hilarious...:lmao:
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    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    Reading about the nuclear drills made me laugh. At least your teachers gave you some hope... When i was about 14-15, my friends and i discovered that 'american kids' did nuclear drills and we asked our form teacher why we didn't do them too. Teacher replied, 'because the weapons are nuclear...
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    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    I'm feeling very vaped using crappy tips and tiny leaves (old stuff i found in the cupboard today). Very ordinary gear, yet i am still vaped! How can this be? If i'd been combusting it would not have done anything. Why did i wait so long to become a vaporist? So, i am vaped and about to watch...
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    TV Shows - General Discussion

    There are heaps of shows that i have adored over the years. Hard to narrow it down, but here goes: Archer is top of my list at the moment. Only discovered it recently (as in a few weeks ago) so a bit late to the party... In no particular order: Archer (how could i not have known about this...
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    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Not sure how to quote other posts yet, but thankyou @killick! I knew that the munchies disappeared after a few weeks of combusting (following a t-break) but i wasn't sure about vaping. I'm too scared to even drive past maccas at the moment lol. It's hard to believe i can fit so much food in...
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    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    After nearly a month of vaping this is the first time i haven't been too vaped to contribute to the 'i am vaped' thread, lol. All i've been capable of lately is vaping, inhaling the contents of my fridge and pantry and then falling asleep :\ But right now, for the first time, i am vaped and i...
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    Driving whilst high

    I used to drive while stoned pretty much all the time without a second thought, but roadside drug swabs and my nieces and nephews made me finally stop doing so. The introduction of roadside testing first got me thinking about the issue. It wasn't just about getting caught but also about the...
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    What was your first experience with vaping?

    My first vape was the 'hotplate & light globe' type. All the other vapes were way too expensive for something i wanted to try as a novelty. It was not a great vape, lol. However, it was enough to pique my interest and invest in more vapes. Like @CarolKing i wanted to continue to use mj but i...
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    How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

    So far i've had a little over two weeks of vaping only (and a bout of flu inbetween the two weeks :ugh:). Vaping exclusively has been surprisingly easy - it somehow felt 'right' straight away. I haven't missed combusting at all...and i really thought i would. My cough has gone, i had the flu...
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    Death Row Stories On CNN

    I am resolutely opposed to the death penalty but i understand why people might think it's a viable response to hideous crimes. Some crimes are just so awful and cruel that our first response is 'how can such a person be allowed to live?' Some years ago there was a massacre in my country...
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    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    I gave away everything i owned that was connected to combustion, even a tin of lighters and old packets of rollie papers. I don't want anything in my house that can tempt me to combust. I gave away the 5 bongs i owned but they weren't very special or expensive...and i have a nice new flashy...
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    Australian Vapour Team

    I live in central vic (b'rat) during the week and melb on weekends. Will end up in melb full time eventually. I barrack for the richmond tiges (AFL) and, yes, i wear lots of black and drink heaps of coffee :lol:. Was in 'smoke dreams' shop in melb the other day and noticed they had the...
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    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Lol, no special 'aussie' meaning, just regular buttons that you find on clothes. I've been phobic ever since i can remember and it seems kind of normal to me. I forget that it's a bit weird to other people. There is an official, scientific name for button phobia so, although i've never met...
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    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    Born in 1970, so turning 45 this year. I remember a bit of the 70s but mostly grew up in the 80s (you can imagine how good the photos are, lol...t'was not a great decade for fashion and hairstyles!) Was in love with duran duran and kiss, assumed i would be nuked before i got to be an adult...
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    How much do you consume : Per load/session/day

    I've been using 2-2.5g per day....way too much. I'm looking forward to using less when i swap to vaping exclusively. I'll be saving $au80 per fortnight just in tobacco (a ridiculous amount for someone who only uses tobacco to mix with mj). All up, i was gettting through an oz every...
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    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello good people of fc! Just signed up this week after lurking for waaaay too long (was starting to feel like a peeping tom-bella, lol). Ok, some details: i'm an aussie who has been smoking bongs for about 25yrs and who is about to become a dedicated vaporist. On day 11 of my 15 day t-break...
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    Vape THC Content vs. Drug Test

    @avitas I hear what you're saying. My country has recently introduced roadside drug testing which includes mj swab testing. I would prefer not to drive under the influence but cannot find any info on how long i have to wait before driving. The police will not say and i have heard from a variety...
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