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  1. gudiss

    Discontinued Thermovape Luna

    masaki, why do you list the core and sr71 as retired?
  2. gudiss

    Discontinued Thermovape Luna

    congrats masaki! please be sure to give us a good comparison between the luna/ eo & persei/ herc.
  3. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    no, v2 and hammer top-
  4. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    i used the supplied 18350's and a set of trust fire li-ions for more than two weeks before i got AW's. i really didnt see much difference except for how long the bat lasted. i recall changing them often to maintain good results. that was on a sr74 7.4v rod.
  5. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    wow, interesting past 24 hours- all i know is i am sitting here with the persei, sr74 & the nib blowing huge fat clouds:) O, i bought some kiss repair kits from sleepin. iso bath, follow some simple directions and photos and had a new set up in about 12-15 min max! really not difficult! sorry...
  6. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    your rigging reply made me think. i just may wrap the nibxl in a small bubble wrap jacket
  7. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    i want to use my persei/ herc this summer on my small sailboat. i would really like some type of water diffuser for the device but am not willing to take the nibxl for the ride. anyone have any suggestions for a water diffuser that is not expensive and will work with this setup?
  8. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    was that "vapor" from a herc?
  9. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    mud, what about the (2)18650(s) providing 7.4v mega bat- w/ ss
  10. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    i see, thanks wooa, thats expensive-
  11. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    just interested, why do you think the DNA30 will run the 3.7v herc? i had been messing around with the 3.7v on several vv mods and all indicated "short". a pure mechanical mod will do it no problem
  12. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    what is the battery configuration on the DNA30?
  13. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    understand!! good to hear- thanks for quick reply
  14. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    i love my herc and w9 products. the CS is very good! although, i must say i find it very strange that if i choose as a herc owner to purchase a second spare part (any part) for the herc that this is not offered:hmm: not sure why??? to protect w9 and sales of new hercs, i could see having to...
  15. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    NO unbelievable spanish women 500 feet down on the "topless" side, french island- i took the herc on many strolls up the beach checking out the talent blowing massive clouds of GSC shatter. whats interesting is only one person the whole trip asked me what it was. and he was the person sitting...
  16. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Ha- i wish i lived there! hopefully someday! the 3.7v herc shown in my hand above was backed up by a 7.4v herc in the hotel room. i am firm believer in redundancy! in addittion a beautiful 11 gram variety wax & shatter buffet. i sat on the beach all day puffing on the herc watching my kids in...
  17. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    ahhh, herc + carib= paradise
  18. gudiss

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    hi mud- are you implying the unit doesnt automatically turn off after a certain amount of time? i thought, if you used it, set it down for a while (20 min) came back went to use it you would have to click 5 times to turn it back on??
  19. gudiss

    hi gary- with all due respect, these kiss carts are way to fragile and or susceptible to frying-...

    hi gary- with all due respect, these kiss carts are way to fragile and or susceptible to frying- both my 3.7 and 7.4 both blew after about 15 min. into their first sessions. i was being very careful with timing on the button especially on the 7.4. in addittion, to minimal button time, i left...
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