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  1. VaporsVaporizer

    Virtual Banquet Thread

    I don't eat a lot of red meat, never cook it at home and only partake in a good steakhouse :D. I love a good Filet:tup:
  2. VaporsVaporizer

    Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

    @Snappo . I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope you find some comfort somewhere. Joe changed your life in many ways and i know for that you are thankful .
  3. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    It's gonna be a long 18 months, who knows what's really going to happen with this bill. There were so many ridiculous statements made during the hearing. They need people and Dr's that actually understand how to use MMJ to explain things to them...
  4. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    It's really a stupid bill and leaves so many patients out of it altogether . I don't have an issue banning combustion , but it's obvious that none of these people have any clue about concentrates and that you can just vape flowers without combustion. So what are they gonna do-hand out vape...
  5. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    IT PASSED!!!!! It's very restrictive and limiting, but it's better than nothing. I will still be a criminal :(
  6. VaporsVaporizer

    The NEWS !!

    US tax dollars at work :rolleyes:
  7. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    You can watch the vote NOW This Senator Libous is an ASS, he has prostate cancer and he's against the bill. He's worried that it's gonna give people false hope for a cure :rolleyes: No one is saying it's a cure -it's palliative care. The Cure studies need to be...
  8. VaporsVaporizer

    Cancer spread to my lungs

    Absolutely !! If you're in a medical state, maybe you could try tinctures or edibles to avoid any chance of inhaled carcinogens .
  9. VaporsVaporizer

    Cancer spread to my lungs

    There's no way to know if metastasized cancer is from vaping, since metastasized cancer will have the same molecular structure as the primary cancer. You've already stated that your lung cancer is not primary, it's leg, which i assume is osteosarcoma, chrondrosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma or...
  10. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    This is the most ridiculous MMJ bill EVER!!!. He just lost my vote :rolleyes:. None of my legitimate conditions are on the bill and those that can get a card, can't vape whole flowers:mental:. Oils and edibles are not for everyone. What a fucked up bill:uhh:. I'm happy for the people in my state...
  11. VaporsVaporizer

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Can't see the images @Snappo Oh Now i can!!! Gorgeous :clap:
  12. VaporsVaporizer

    Desktop vs. Portable

    I've been kicking myself in the ass for ignoring desktop vapes for so long. Yeah i've had a Volcano for 12 years, but haven't really used it much in the last 5 years because it's so bulky and harsh, and i liked my portables ;) The UD has given me a new appreciation for power cords. This vape is...
  13. VaporsVaporizer

    Penny Dreadful Fans

    Eva Green is phenomenal in this show :clap:
  14. VaporsVaporizer

    World Cup

    NOOO I want the Dutchies to win this match :lol: GOALLLLLL!!!!
  15. VaporsVaporizer

    World Cup

    I think some of these are a stretch , but #'s 1&4 are dead on :lol:
  16. VaporsVaporizer

    Cancer spread to my lungs

    I have no answers for you, but wanted to wish you well. Sounds like you have a really positive attitude, given your circumstances :tup:. I have lung issues and my only advice is keep the vapor temp low, so there's no coughing at all if possible.
  17. VaporsVaporizer

    Best Temperature for asthma

    Well here's the temp guide for the Solo, so 4 or 5 for me would be 383 or 393 degrees. On your vape, start about 374 degrees and go up or down from there. If he's never vaped before , he may want to see a lot of vapor coming out, but it's not necessary to feel effects. For someone with lung...
  18. VaporsVaporizer

    Best Temperature for asthma

    Well i have Asthma/Emphysema and i vape , negative things are coughing .So, i vape at lower temps because coughing hurts asthmatics . If i'm using a Solo, i stay in the 4-5 range. On the Underdog, 11.4-.9 ish on a Pax -orange. Lower is better for me, but it may be different for your friend...
  19. VaporsVaporizer

    NYS Votes TOMORROW 5/20/14

    He gutted the bill down to almost no medical conditions and wants stricter control on prescriptions and limits. Honestly, how can dr , who's probably never used cannabis, realistically know how much and what kind to prescribe. The patients need to try what works best for them . I think this is...
  20. VaporsVaporizer

    World Cup

    Good start USA:lol:
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