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  1. cilantro

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Reporting some great news. Got my EVO back today from VXL repair. They fixed a rattling mesh screen, and the strange odors and 'hair dryer' taste is GONE! After some 11:00 dry hits of Strawberry Cough (for testing purposes), it tasted divine. A huge shout out to VXL CS for their professionalism...
  2. cilantro

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Just to offer some support for your experience, I've had almost the exact same experience with my new EVO. After a few dry and tasty draws (11o'clock) through the standard mouthpiece, a rancid taste and smell followed by a horrible headache. I also made sure ELB was cleaned, but had the same...
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