This looks pretty interesting, and actually has me thinking about getting one. Do you have any pics or what not comparing it to a red bull or any other soda can?
BTW is it the standard red bull can or the bigger boy?
Yeah I didn't see it on their site, but thought if I gave them a call about it they might have it. Can you also tell us the flavor difference and if the one mode produces more vape vs the other?
Can you try the SS top on the aluminum bottom to see how warm it can get? I have the old top and thinking the SS top maybe the better choice despite the mismatched finish.
I have the earlier bat model with the hot top and the heat issue is more of a handling thing. Do you think VG will sell me the Stainless top so I an put it on my aluminum bottom? Because I only see the aluminum replacement top.
Anyone who here tried the Incognito also have or try the MFLB? If so do you think the MFLB can compare to the incognito in terms of effectiveness and stuff?