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  1. D

    This May Be Goodbye...

    There are many different legal plants besides marijuana that can help to relieve various stresses you may encounter during the day. To Good Vibes on your quest.
  2. D

    Who will win the Republican nomination for President?

    May God Help Us All. Vote Third Party Candidates For The Win! P.S. Cruz will win the nomination
  3. D

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thank you for the time and response. I have been a regular visitor to this site since its inception and I will admit that I did not think it would last being that you have to tell people to go to a website that starts with the word *fuck* to learn something. That being said I have learned a lot...
  4. D

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    So I was going to wait until after I recieved my rma ascent to write a company review but seeing as I have been repeatedly told that my vaporizer would be shipped yet Im still sitting here burning joints, coughing up the nasty I feel that now is a good a time as any. Ill keep it short and to the...
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