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  1. audiodelic

    How much do you vape in one sitting?

    ya but i get it directly from the source in the mountains. i have a some nice variety too first rub cream, first rub junglee and some regular 2nd rub.
  2. audiodelic

    How much do you vape in one sitting?

    i vape about a 0.1 gram of junglee hashish (hand rubbed stuffed grows naturally high up in the himalayas). In my DBV/MFLB that amount keeps me ripped for a good 3.5 hours and completely sobers down in about 5 hours.
  3. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    @magicflight: Can this adapter be used in this part of the world where we follow 220v ?
  4. audiodelic

    Well, this is a solid 0.4 gram of ... ? (Vaporizer-question)

    i found my wand hash to have a very cerebral high.
  5. audiodelic

    Well, this is a solid 0.4 gram of ... ? (Vaporizer-question)

    its wand hash and contains good amount of the thc that sticks to the wand before entering the tube. Collect it and vape small amounts should give you a very nice head high. welcome to the world of vaping .... the bud itself, the wand hash and the abv for cannabutter so you literally get every...
  6. audiodelic

    Da Buddha

    Yup mine also starts at exactly 8 o clock position. I find that my sweet spot is 10 to 11 o clock position. So my advice start with 10 o clock position vape for the longest time and gradually hit for a while at 11 then finally finish off at 12. After some experience you can experiment with the...
  7. audiodelic

    what we make with vaporized hash?

    Dont eat it straight. :lol: Make cannabutter with it. Put it in a pan at low heat with butter and stir it and crush it all up. Then strain it through a cloth you will be left with greenish cannabutter with most of the actives in it.
  8. audiodelic

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    the fact that the lsv uses the same technology as the dbv/ssv whereas the vxc uses the pid controlled temperature control is the biggest functional advantage.
  9. audiodelic

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    +1000 ..... great news .... waiting for the 220v version
  10. audiodelic

    Speeding the process?

    The only way to speed up would be raise the temperature which could depend a lot on preference of thc or cbd/cbd dominated highs. The process of vaporizing in theory is cooking the cannabis rather than burning it one go so it would obviously take more time. With vaporizing it is a time...
  11. audiodelic

    Is this possible? Blowing Vapor into glass mug and drinking.

    Also fountain works on the same principle where you put a piece of hash on a pin and pierce a paper to hold the pin upright. Burn hash and put the glass on top as oxygen dies out the hash will go off producing smoke which collects in the glass and you sip it.
  12. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Good write up rose ... Completely agree that with a vaporizer high vs joint/bong even i find there's less of a chance of me being distracted by something mindless ... which imo is a good thing atleast personally for me. The high is more cerebral quality high as compared to smoking.
  13. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Guy any specific advantages the Maha C9000 may have over the Maha C801D battery charger?
  14. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Received my MFLB. What a neat little device. Its vaping pressed hash quite well. This is crazy efficient, hash trenches are sending me to the moon:ko:.After every session i just ust the brush to clean it up.A device that does what it claims consistently without the many...
  15. audiodelic

    The Magic-Flight Box

    why exactly dont you like it ? When portability is required doesn't it do better than your other vapes ?
  16. audiodelic

    Girlfriend doesn't know I smoke

    enjoy it while it lasts :D
  17. audiodelic


    You hit the bat and super her the vapor. Basically take a vape hit transfer vapor into her mouth while lip kissing.
  18. audiodelic

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Good luck with this project ..... im curious to see the final product.
  19. audiodelic

    since vaping exclusively...

    Some of the advantages that ive felt are most crucial. I can actually work with a clear head the next day, before i used to be so burnt out first thing in the morning after night of smoking. :o Could not smoke many times since i would be paranoid who would smell it. I stay in a factory so its...
  20. audiodelic

    Zephyr Ion or Volcano

    Get the Zephyr Ion and use the rest of the money for a MFLB. :brow:
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