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  1. M

    Is there a way to kill pot in general smell? So it never smells again

    One major problem for me is the god damn smell and what I have to put up with. I’m not talking about smoking or vaping I’m talk No pot in general and how it takes over a room wether u open the container or just it sitting around. Candles are not good enough and I’m not burning 24/7. Ozium kills...
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    This question just phased me. Do you need more thc every day?

    Yeah. Problem I’m finding is majority of these strains are not helping me. Grape ape is available but it’s a good 2 hour drive to get it. Unless they will give the welfare rate for taken the drive I probably won’t be going there. Uber is to expensive so I just stick to 2 dispensaries I can’t...
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    This question just phased me. Do you need more thc every day?

    After last night purple urkel may be the only thing that can keep me alive. I been out of it for 3 days now. Between the real nightmares sleeping or awake, and flash backs. Since I ran out of it this stuffs been getting worse again. Seemed to calm me down to such a point bad thoughts were kept...
  4. M

    This question just phased me. Do you need more thc every day?

    I may just have to get used to it then. I’m thinking I should just stick to it. It’s helping me anxiety as well. I’m not doing so well experimenting. I may have to accept my losses and throw out these new strains and go buy more urkle. The kind of anxiety I have along with probably serious...
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    This question just phased me. Do you need more thc every day?

    Thought peppercorn was like a cold shower or orange juice and countered or st least helped stop to high highs.
  6. M

    This question just phased me. Do you need more thc every day?

    I’m assuming my tolerance has built a little that or maybe low thc strains just are not cutting it the way they used to. I used to get very high on just a 8 second draw with either pax 3 or mighty. Sometimes I would push it to 12 seconds. I took a 16 second draw last week and kind of got...
  7. M

    I have a rather dumb question about indicas and the high

    Same I push my self to the limits every night but never get the buzz back. Just get to a point I feel like I’m in such a dream it’s embarassing but funny as hell. I legit had to hit the time out button the other night I had no buzz or anything figured I was sober again then out of no where...
  8. M

    I have a rather dumb question about indicas and the high

    So I am very curious about this. When I vape I’ll get the good buzz and what not it goes away after 40 minutes or so. Is the high strictly just the buzz? After that my body starts getting more heavy. I’ll vape all night long like most know. When I re vaoe I never get the buzz I just feel like...
  9. M

    Mighty vs pax 3 I’m so undecided on keeping both or selling one.

    Makes sense maybe the tolerance is slowly building. I love the body buzz but lately I get the head and body buzz on my first session then after that I really don’t just a heavy head bad type feeling. I think I am putting the pax back in the box for good. The losing/unloading outweighs the smell...
  10. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    Yeah I hear that but they are struggling now is all I was getting at and it’s not like places are opening left and right. The laws I agree can be better but At least in New Jersey it can be more realistic. To me it is unacceptable to always be sold out and complain your using all your space. I...
  11. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    Yeah I may look hard for seeds and just grow myself. I really want to get into working with cannabis. I’m still learning but I would like to help others the way cannabis has helped me. It’s not a cure all I understand that and it will not take the pain away for good but it does help. Just like...
  12. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    Yeah jersey, but to my understanding the state forces them to charge rediculous prices. They claim it costs a few mill just to start the process of being a dispensary and a few million annually just to stay legal or what ever you want to call it. The permits to get started the few just to apply...
  13. M

    Mighty vs pax 3 I’m so undecided on keeping both or selling one.

    Right I understand. I’m not sure if making since but it seems like I only get the buzz high at least the first time vaping then after that it’s just a more intense groggy drowsiness.
  14. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    They grow all there strains as well. We are not like be west coast where u just grab a strain off the shelf and we have very harsh rules. Nothing is ore packed or um I guess grown by someone else and just sold the dispensary does it all. Your not allowed to even open the containers to see if...
  15. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    I tried 365-380 it’s pretty nice for some strains but not cbd the higher the temp the better the relief but smokin has always been the best even. About 4 months now I been using cannabis. Actually just ran out of purple urkle last night but I still got a little black berry kush blueberry kush...
  16. M

    Mighty vs pax 3 I’m so undecided on keeping both or selling one.

    I can careless about tolerance man It means nothing to me to stop for a few days. I look at it like this I use marijuana to help medically not to get high. Do I like being high especially body buzzes yes but I still get the medical effects. Weed may turn into a pill situation for me. Pain...
  17. M

    Curious. Can you vape indicas all day on low temps

    I heat up up to 400 lowest I don’t it on was 365 but I usually cranked it up to 400. Edibles are not for me cbd or thc.
  18. M

    Pax may be failing again.

    So today my pax 3 started cracking again. Yeah I already know the thing started pissing me off but to be honest so was my mighty so I switched back to pax. I’m just curious could the crackling sound be normal and stuff like the juice/residue or what ever that funky stuff is just being burnt off...
  19. M

    Large grinder

    I love my Santa Cruz shredder I have big hands and I’m ehh you on the arthritis I have it bad but mostly in feet, and back. I know some people frown upon it but I don’t really care, and I see no difference it potency. O ore grind all my weed that I ak currently vaping. My latest purple urkel I...
  20. M

    Most Efficient Portable? For beginners (groups of 2 to 6)

    For that many people hands down I would say volcano. Pax is simple to use so is mighty but I would go with the volcano first for that many people.
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