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  1. Macicman

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Must be bs. I am a 14mm man.
  2. Macicman

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I am one of the first 14mm owners, basically a lab rat. I love this thing.
  3. Macicman

    Discontinued Hopper io

    They will send me mine soon. Right now I am still "in progress". I ordered an extra battery.
  4. Macicman

    Discontinued G43 and SledGhammer

    Like Vibranium?
  5. Macicman

    Discontinued Hopper io

    @Baron23 can be blunt and I respect him. At the end of the day he is still a "dope gun"(TM) man.
  6. Macicman

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I ordered an extra battery, am I screwed?
  7. Macicman

    Discontinued Hopper io

    A "Made in USA" vape should have a "Made in USA" battery.
  8. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I love the natural taste of the hopper "dope gun" without glass rig, drip tip, or 3-d printed chillum. I am looking forward to my IO hopper coming soon.
  9. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm in, plus $20.00 more for fire relief.
  10. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I puff it like a cigar. Puff, puff, puff, then draw.
  11. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I will help support too and buy another one. Grasshopper is a dope gun.
  12. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Hopper needs to modify their device to run on regular 18650 batteries. As a once/day microdoser I have never had battery issues. I rotate my two batteries every 2-3 months and only use the provided magnetic charger. Hopper is a dope gun.
  13. Macicman

    Dynavap VapCap

    I am not a pro at all the different VapCaps. I have only the 2018 M. But I do have a 14mm Flux Deluxe that makes the budget M a powerhouse. I will get a fancy stem soon.
  14. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Early adapters are lab rats. The one i recieved on 1/5/19 is still plowing through loads. I consider it a cigar that you puff. Just sucking on it as hard as you can always yields lesser results. I use natively with pfe. Puff, puff, puff, puff, then draw.
  15. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    My hopper has worked like a surgical device for over 7 months. Nothing compares to it still. The Grasshopper is a dope gun.
  16. Macicman

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    El Jefe will finally chime in here. My 14mm Blue Flux Deluxe had to be repaired twice but is now in the daily rotation. The rotation is basically VapCap....Grasshopper, with a revisit to Craftyland every now and then. The flux deluxe is a dope microwave!
  17. Macicman

    Dynavap VapCap

    It's just like 2 girls 1 cup.
  18. Macicman

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    My 14mm is now working great. I even set the hopper down since it arrived. Jeff is a straight up dude.
  19. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Mine just hit the 6 month birthday. It always works great. I really only use it at night after work. 2-3 loads daily. It must be my lucky engraving.
  20. Macicman

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Mine still works. EZ to use and it does what no other vape does. 6-8 second warmup from cold start, 4 second or less after that.
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