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  1. DcTokeMan

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    very well put. my t1 get has the best flavor of any vape i own or have tried, but it gets little to no use due to those punk ass batteries. and also when ur thumb gets moist, u can forget about holding the switch up. thats why im seriously considering a INH, because id love a 'pen' type vape for...
  2. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    hope this works...size comparison
  3. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    my pvhes stems came today and they do work. the stock stems never gave me headaches or anything, but they were definatly a little restrictive. like when walking and trying to hit the solo, it was a task. this free airflow is much better. imo these are the bees knees
  4. DcTokeMan

    Underdog Log Vapes

    all u have to do is hookup the ud with the glass stem like normal, then attach the EQ whip to the end of the glass stem as an extension
  5. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    i ordered the pvhes stem before i even got my solo. they should be here sometime next week. i wanted the stealth adapter also, but it was out of stock. as far as the gong adapter, glass on glass is best of course, but i has SO many connections and tubing and shit from other vapes, i can connect...
  6. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    i went from wanting a solo, to wanting a Pax, to wanting an INH, and then getting a solo. im convinced im not gonna be happy till i have more vapes than friends. ur question about the screens is a good one. i never thought to put it down the stem, but t could be a bitch trying to get it out.
  7. DcTokeMan

    Underdog Log Vapes

    ur signature has Extreme Q in it. just use some of that tubing if u have any laying around
  8. DcTokeMan

    Underdog Log Vapes

    dave, im wondering whats the smallest dog youve ever made. im gonna order another pretty soon here, and id love a teeny tiny model. also guys, i took a spare ssv tube and connected one end to the glass stem and use my UD whip-mode now. fucking awesome hits. for awhile i thought water hits were...
  9. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    i got mine from ebay for 154.95 and it came with free two-day shipping. i havent had any issues ordering vapes from ebay in the past, and i would do it again. especially if the model numbers are current
  10. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    mine came in today M1a3 model. hits are cool even with the stock stems. my pvhes stems are being shipped now, so we will see how that works out. this has been a cool week. my solo came, and my friend ordered a rasta ssv and green bubble ssv bong to go with it. that came on thursday.
  11. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    i retired my EQ because after 8 months of use, the hits just were not as satisfactory as they were when i first got it. I upgraded to a UD an have been very happy. Im wondering how the Solo dry hits are, compared to log vape hits. any input?
  12. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    i went ahead and just ordered the PVHES Straight strem, thanks to reading a few of Vitolos posts. Cant wait for this thing to arrve
  13. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    cool. i was just worried about restriction
  14. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    im on the fence about eds tnt or pvhes or just sticking with the stock stems. any suggestions
  15. DcTokeMan

    Arizer Solo

    im in. ordered mine just now. hope its a good choice
  16. DcTokeMan

    Heat Stream Lighter Ideas

    not sure, i posted this thread on a whim
  17. DcTokeMan

    Discontinued Wychwood Vaporizers UK Log Vape

    was looking on the site and maybe i overlooked, but i saw no us currency. help a stoner out guys
  18. DcTokeMan

    The HI

    thanks for the input dudes. guess im about to be on this list
  19. DcTokeMan

    Heat Stream Lighter Ideas

    im surprised this hasnt been done yet. i love being outside that "box"
  20. DcTokeMan

    Heat Stream Lighter Ideas

    For the longest time(3 whole years,lol) ive had this nagging thought. What if there was a lighter-type device that instead of producing flames, produced a heat stream that could be used to vape a bowl of herb in a bong. Sort of like those butane flame lighters, but just heat going directly to...
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