Cheers again for your insights. Very usfull. I will contact Dr Vape and see if he'll do one. I stand by my product so if it is good or bad review it dosent matter.
I've look at a few contests. I'm sure I can come up with somthing.
Thanks again.:rockon:
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HAHA, nice picture man!
Have you dont review before?
Legendary, great advice. The contest things is a cool idea. I'll give that a shot. Got to think of a contest that will make people want to do a review.
Hi All,
We have just release the Chewy 2.0 Protable Electric Grinder.
I' am the designer of the Chewy. I have design some vaporizers in my time namely the iolite and the Goboof Alfa. While designing these I alway found it messy and combersome to fill them without spilling some herb. Light...