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  1. D

    Arizer Solo

    Planetvape seems to be the shop with the most Solo accessories, especially custom made stuff. Remember to use the FCLOVE10 discount code when buying accessories there, for 10% off!
  2. D

    Arizer Solo

    A Solo, a PVHEGonG and a nice waterbong has to be what you call a heavy hitter. The hits I get are almost like combustion hits, just a lot more of them from a lot less. Absolutely love it. I did 0.1g last night and I think I pretty much passed out, I barely remember anything. It's just...
  3. D

    Arizer Solo

    .2g is way too much for me in the Solo! :D
  4. D

    Arizer Solo

    They definitely know their customer base! Just got a message that a bag of Ruffles is now in my package. PV is the best! :D
  5. D

    Arizer Solo

    Barely just received my PVHEGonG from PV and I already ordered a PA, amazing service and holy shit the Ruffles All Dressed chips they threw in were amazing! Best chips I've ever tasted.
  6. D

    Arizer Solo

    First time I tested my PVHEGonG I loaded it with about 0.18g of hash, had to stop about halfway through or I would have gotten way too high. :p
  7. D

    Arizer Solo

    It's amazing in every way except for portability. It's not a vape you can just throw in the pocket and you're good to go, it's a little bit too large and clunky for that and you have to bring at least a stem as well. I have nothing to compare with, it's my only vape (And after having tested it...
  8. D

    Arizer Solo

    I have now learned that vapor+water=insanely smooth. Thickest vapor clouds I have ever had and I could barely even notice the vapor. Get a GonG! :D
  9. D

    Arizer Solo

    Thanks! That's what I thought made sense, but you never know. :p Yeah, the airflow changed quite a bit and I fear that, especially with hash which I need to pack in cotton, it will be a bit too hard to toke from now. Gonna have to give it a try and see what I prefer I guess. :p
  10. D

    Arizer Solo

    Haven't had the chance to test it out yet, looks very nice though! O-rings definitely made a huge difference in how the stems fit, gonna have to test that out a bit as well. At least I still have some goodie-hash left to test with, nothing like the bud you have though. :D Edit: Just have to...
  11. D

    Arizer Solo

    Got my PVHEGonG, some O-rings and a nice little bag of chips as always. Gotta love PV! :D
  12. D

    Arizer Solo

    Sounds like a simple and good way to possibly save a vape, may have to do that eventually. Also want to get some kind of charging base, that and a PA would be amazing. I'm assuming using a PA forces you to lay it down or constantly hold it, sounds like quite a hassle when I think about it. :p...
  13. D

    Arizer Solo

    I've flipped my Solo around a few times, dropped it on the floor and shit. I've noticed that thing can get really fucking slippery, not good when you're high as fuck and trying to go for some more. :p
  14. D

    Arizer Solo

    I have a PVHEGonG on the way, if anything it will at least be much more convenient than just shoving the stem into the bong! :D Does anyone know if the power adapter is small enough to fit in a mailbox? (Small package/letter)
  15. D

    Arizer Solo

    Surely a GonG helps the airflow though? I have an SG14 bong, and I've used my Solo with it a few times but only by sticking the stem into the bong so it fits, but I'm assuming it's not exactly that efficient.
  16. D

    Arizer Solo

    Payday came a month earlier than expected, might have to go shopping on PlanetVape now!
  17. D

    Arizer Solo

    Not if the seller is authorized, there was no issue registering my eBay-bought Solo for warranty. Not that I'd ever get to use it though, considering it is quite well used by now and it would have to cross a few borders. :p
  18. D

    Arizer Solo

    Might have to throw in a package when I order a power adater and GonG, just to try them. :D
  19. D

    Arizer Solo

    I know how you feel man, got this kashmir hash right now, heavy fucking indica. :D What's the thing with these O-rings I keep reading about? They make your stems fit better? My stems fit quite loosely (On an M1A4 model too).
  20. D

    Arizer Solo

    I have a PVHES normal stem for my Solo but no other equipment, anything more I really should get? Thinking of a power adapter and a PVHEGonG eventually, anything else that could be considered a must-have?
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