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  1. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I'd be extremely interested if someone found a glass piece that would fit. Probably have to be custom made? Anyone know any blowers they could give a bullet to so they can model a glass bullet from it?
  2. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I've seen people mention this and I've wondered if it is giving bigger clouds because once you remove the bullet, there is more conduction going on? I'm assuming this will spend your herb quicker but provide bigger clouds . . . am I on the right track?
  3. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I've been having better results with a tighter pack personally . . . I'm also used to sucking like a madman through my Extreme Q, 1ft of tubing, and through my Mobius, so I do prefer a little draw restriction.
  4. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I don't have the WT. I cranked the Pro up to 4 last night too see what that was like and found I had to take much smaller hits due to the temp of the vapor. I have a 14mm/18mm glass adapter coming in the mail soon so I will be able too hook it up to my Mobius. It all depends on what kind of...
  5. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I've tried both but wasn't really paying enough attention to clouds, efficiency, etc. I'm packing a semi-tight one tonight and will report back.
  6. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    How firm do you folks pack your bullet? I'm still experimenting with it, but I wanted to get your opinions and thoughts on it first. I know when I use my Extreme Q, I pack it pretty darn tight (elbow pack method) and it has always worked wonderful for me.
  7. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I think you've made the right choice. I don't care for the Pax and "been there, done that" with the Ascent. The Solo kicks ass but isnt the stealthiest or most portable option. Also, welcome to FC! The people are great here!
  8. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    What temps do you guys use for your flowers? Do you start at "1" and work your way up through each temp (not "5" obviously) or do you start at a higher temp and blast it all at once? I like to work my way up, personally.
  9. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I know Ryot makes really quality cases... I had one for a Luke Wilson 15-arm bubbler I used to own. Probably only used it twice though. I'm still deciding whether I want a case or not. It would be nice for camping trips or vacations out of town, but for the most part I'll just probably fill a...
  10. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    It should have come with a concentrate bullet that is shorter than the rest and has no screen on the bottom.
  11. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I'm jealous about GTA V. I tamp mine a little bit, but nowhere near a tight pack. Just enough so the herb doesn't spill out if I set the bullet on its side.
  12. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Got my replacement Pro today (1st one had some sort of issue with the internal components) and the button seems 2x as recessed as it was on my last one. Like, its REALLY down there. This is a good thing in my mind as it will be even less likely that it would go off in my pocket/backpack when I...
  13. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    upload picture to and copy the "BBcode" and paste it here. I, for one, would love to see it!
  14. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Wow, good post! I find it best to wait a full minute before I start vaping for the bullet/herb to get fully heated. Also, try a really fine grind and loose pack on your herb.
  15. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Good choice. The Ascent was really badass on paper, but didn't quite hit the mark for me as finished product.
  16. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I'm sorry, I can't really help you much on these questions as I only had mine for 2 days before having to send it back (faulty unit). My replacement was supposed to arrive yesterday but the USPS delivery driver is incompetent. Pretty sure I've heard that a bullet can hold around .15g.
  17. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    While I can't say anything about the XP besides that I've read that it is a good portable, I really don't think you'll be anything but happy with the Pro.
  18. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I think it would be great for concerts personally. Its stealthy and small, heat-up is quick, and there isn't much smell to it compared to other vapes. I think the only thing it needs is some sort of "plug" to put in the extra bullets so you can carry some extras with you if you need it. The...
  19. Reveen

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I've also noticed that I get very high even though I'm not exhaling hardly anything on temp 1. I hold my vapor hits in for a good 10-15 seconds though, so maybe that could be why. I vaped right next to my wife on the couch and she had no idea! I had to tell her I was vaping.
  20. Reveen

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I would also steer clear of the horror games. I get WAY too immersed into games when I'm playing them and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack playing something scary. I've heard that the Oculus Rift does an amazing job with 3D movies as well . . . I've heard its much better than the...
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