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  1. thesoloman

    Vaporizer timeline -Community Project.

    I found myself looking at a popular vaporizer website this morning and realized that there are so many new devices, and that there has been so much change in devices sense i started vaporizing. I purpose that we as a community form some sort of visually based timeline that is scrollable side to...
  2. thesoloman

    Newbie Solo Vape Confusion! HELP!! Please :)

    Hi, long time solo owner here, welcome to the club. Do you grind your material before vaporizing it? Grinding will help it achieve a more even brown, as will occasionally stirring the weed mid-sesh.
  3. thesoloman

    Who do you want to vape with?

    Technically it was my two solo's and christians stemline, he's the dude in the air videos. :D He said that you guys need to come join us for FC ruinion shesh at his place! I like the sound of that!
  4. thesoloman

    making Hash Oil with no solvents

    I know this thread is really old, but making oil with a vaporizer has been my dream for years, i have a settup i am working with at the moment, and haven't been getting the results i desire yet... I might post some pics latter of the settup.
  5. thesoloman

    Spam on FC

    I wasn't personally spammed, but i did get a good chuckle reading these two posts this morning. The mods were right on top of this and it ended itself right where all spam should, in the pooped thread.
  6. thesoloman

    The Herbalizer

    I feel kinda dumb asking this, but how do i go about cleaning the screens in the bowl? I remember a prototype bowl almost falling apart after tourture testing it at the herbie test drive, now that one is in my house i can not figure out what magic holds the screen into the top section of the...
  7. thesoloman

    Adjustable screens in glass tube

    Do you know the material that spring is made of?
  8. thesoloman

    Ascent or Solo

    I understand the hesitation to get an air, generally new vapes are a no-no for me... However, i jumped on the air, because arizer made it and i trust them for the most part. I just wanted to say that i haven't been disappointed yet. If you want to be cooler than your friend with a solo, then...
  9. thesoloman

    The Arizer Air

    today, i figured out the top unscrews, i may be a little slow....
  10. thesoloman

    The FC GIF Thread!

  11. thesoloman

    How the "Best Of" threads work. Post nominations here.

    herbalizer best of material.
  12. thesoloman

    The Arizer Air

    Ya'll are confusing me, now i want to go search my box for a solo-like-stem, I ordered on black friday, and only received the plastic topped stem, i wonder if there is a solo-like-stem in my box somewhere, probably not. Now i need one of these stems, VAS or GAS? I'm not sure which it is.
  13. thesoloman

    Arizer Air or Airzer Solo vs Pinnacle Pro

    I think it sounds like what you need is an air!
  14. thesoloman

    The Herbalizer

    My mothers herbalizer arrived today. :tup: She is really excited about it, she hated the "pain in the ass solo". She is really satisfied with the quality of the vapor and ease of use. Maybe later i will get her to write about what she thinks of it, but right now it herbalizin time! I have ran...
  15. thesoloman

    Help please which one to get (solo, daisy, lotus, log vape ?)

    yes i have both the solo and the air. i have owned 3+ solo's.
  16. thesoloman

    Help please which one to get (solo, daisy, lotus, log vape ?)

    Go take a look at the Air by arizer, it is my new go to vape
  17. thesoloman

    The Arizer Air

    Hey guys, i have been wanting to test my Air thru water, problem was i didn't have a gong.... so i made one:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I had my air sitting on my lap, i stood up and she fell the hard floor, one of my air bowls broke off cleanly where the threads are, Que thesoloman sitting on the front...
  18. thesoloman

    The Herbalizer

    The time has come where my mother is interested in a herbaliser for medical reasons. IS there any FC discount codes?
  19. thesoloman

    The Arizer Air

    I have a battery question for y'all? should i keep my air battery away from magnets? I have a money clip/wallet that has a weak magnate in it, however, no matter how hard i try to keep them in different pockets, it seems my battery just loves attaching itself to my wallet.. Will this harm...
  20. thesoloman

    The Arizer Air

    Hi there, my case came with picNpluck foam in it. The case came with directions on how to cut the foam.
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