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  1. M

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    Vs. grrrrrr (found this one too) :goon: ... ten years later, a cover
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    Uncool Music To Vape To, The Songs Everyone Around You Hates

    Maybe the gist of it is reason to vape for some but definitely not a song to listen to while vaping.
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    Cannabis News

    That's terrible. I hope DC opens up for you while they work through all of that.
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    Tincture Advice Wanted: Heated (quick) vs. Room Temp. (a month)

    It worked. I tried it last night and it could be stronger but I'm ok with it. I reduced it via a fan and a Pyrex dish and then mixed it with glycerine. A little bit of a tingle. Effects last longer than I expected. Tried it again today. I'm still feeling it from 4:45pm. Granted, I put a...
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    Cannabis News

    They'll meddle. I guess Harris could be appointed to NIH. If not, he and Chaffetz will get involved at some point. Do you think they'll tolerate Grosso's recent bill and what it represents?
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    Cannabis News

    With Obama leaving, congressional Republicans move to gut D.C. laws So much for DC's law. I guess it was good while it lasted. Harris just can't help himself. With regard to opiate related deaths his home state is ranked #11 by some groups.. higher by others. He should be familiar with opiates...
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    What's in your vape right now?

    CBD Blue Shark
  8. M

    100% Decarb With The NOVA

    Any updates on this device? How's it working out for those of you that use it regularly?
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    So What's Your Excuse.....

    T-dub, let me know what you think of this. A friend of mine with disabilities similar to my own sent me the link. If this version of the video is cropped the rest is at the official TED site. I'm not trying to be a jerk by posting this. It's just a different viewpoint.
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    Cannabis News

    Anyone have extensive details about the MJ Freeway issue? Basically, I've read that a nation-wide POS system for dispensaries was taken down. I don't think any of them can operate unless this system is up and running. Check twitter @mjfreeway
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    Tincture Advice Wanted: Heated (quick) vs. Room Temp. (a month)

    I wish I could do the oven decarb - I know that's better. It wouldn't work where I live though... odor is an issue. I'm considering one of those Ardent decarb units. Maybe it's worth a shot.
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    Tincture Advice Wanted: Heated (quick) vs. Room Temp. (a month)

    Thanks. Apparently I used way too much everclear for what I had on hand. There's another thread about the Sous Vide decarb. It's possible it didn't work when I tried it last year. I could have started with potent stuff to begin with. However, my canna coconut oil infusion was quite strong.
  13. M

    A user’s guide to cannabinoid therapies in oncology :(cancer):

    I had an honest conversation with one of my oncologists (who is relatively young) and he seemed to be skeptical. Years ago the anti-emetics sucked and today they're much better. I'm speaking from first hand experience. Big difference. I will say that this summer I experienced nausea while going...
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    What do you pay per ounce of cannabis?

    Yikes, I was probably overpaying. But the convenience factor was definitely there. And it wasn't crappy...
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    Free Weed on Inauguration Day !!

    Despite how goofy this stunt is the organizer is awesome. If it weren't for his efforts DC would still have the same old laws on the books. Gotta give him a lot of props for that.
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    I lost one of my best friends to cancer yesterday...

    I am sorry for your loss. You mentioned that you were happy that your friend was able to attend your wedding despite what he was going through. I probably don't have to tell you but I know that meant a lot to him. Maybe more than so many others could possible understand. I'm speaking as a...
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    Tincture Advice Wanted: Heated (quick) vs. Room Temp. (a month)

    I put some lightly ABV into a jar with Everclear and I'm going to let it sit for one month and shake it every so often. Would it be helpful to evaporate some of the alcohol? I could do this via warm water bath or just let it sit in a large Pyrex dish with a fan next to it. Will it be easier to...
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    New Things or Gadgets In the Marketplace To Buy

    I'm n the same boat. There's a famous plastic surgeon who takes it to the next level. He actually transplants hair. It's expensive as you can imagine - could be up to 8k I think... for brows. And then they grow and grow. Lots of trimming required.
  19. M

    What do you pay per ounce of cannabis?

    I think the dispensaries around here are close to $400oz. Maybe 365--400z. +tax Street is about the same for "high grade / the good stuff" in my neighborhood. But there's no tax. People can transfer here and I assume that's going on a lot. We can grow our own here... up to six plants I...
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