I'm glad to hear that some batteries have arrived @Hopper Labs how long do you expect testing to take?
Will the 1000 batteries cover all who have currently ordered an IO?
If not when will the next batch arrive and would that batch be sufficient to meet all the current demand?
I know what you mean, this is such an powerful vape thats beautifully made.
Congratulations to those that scored I'm sure that you will not be disappointed and would encourage you all to post pictures of your P80s
Nice @jbm!
I too have just finalised my design with Dan - what a great experience.
Ive gone with the Two Tone Amboyna Burl for the body with African Blackwood and a the Lichen button
Now Ill be looking forward to the build updates!
Thanks for your reply it was really helpful! I'm sure you're wife is lucky to have you!
Being new to the hopper world it seems like supplies of the batteries and there subsequent quality have been long standing issues.
Is it true that you can only use this vape with the hopper batteries?