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  1. VapoRoor

    A 10-14 inch Bubbler (Preferred a recessed joint) Oh my DART, This is perfect I can't really tell what the percolators look like, can anyone give any more detailed shots if they own one? OR Any thoughts from any owners? :brow:
  2. VapoRoor

    A 10-14 inch Bubbler (Preferred a recessed joint)

    Oh shit, I think we've found our winner! EDIT: What is the FC discount code and where do I type it in at?
  3. VapoRoor

    A 10-14 inch Bubbler (Preferred a recessed joint)

    Certainly, I meant dewar but somehow wrote recessed. Damn DART :ko: Thanks mvapes Yeah that's the exact dewar seal I'm looking for but I don't like tree percs. (Bitch to clean, plus too much diffusion for me. Damn Do I Sound Picky!) Thank you Joe! This is also sexy smooth, A showerhead perc...
  4. VapoRoor

    A 10-14 inch Bubbler (Preferred a recessed joint)

    thanks but Im looking for more of a seated flush recessed joint
  5. VapoRoor

    A 10-14 inch Bubbler (Preferred a recessed joint)

    :drool:Wall thickness 5mm or above Mouthpiece thickness 3mm to 5mm or above Borosilicate of course
  6. VapoRoor

    Looking for a Glass Bubbler (100-$150)

    That is so sweet. Thank you. 200 would proably be my limit if I was looking for more of a can type bubbler.
  7. VapoRoor

    Looking for a Glass Bubbler (100-$150)

    Damn DART making me overlook stuff :P Thanks 4sho I was just looking for a recessed piece and seems this guy found one, so I thought I'd try my luck in his thread.
  8. VapoRoor

    Looking for a Glass Bubbler (100-$150)

    Yes! a recessed joint! I am looking for one of these also. A recessed joint with some kind of perc has always been a dream of mine , or a stemline would be nice! Whos got experience in these kind of pieces?
  9. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    15 bucks for a 100 dollar part is borderline free. I did mix up the lifetime with the body, I believe the body is lifetime for manufacture defects.
  10. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Never thought I'd ever read that! It's lifetime bro! LIFE TIME :drool: :lol: Dont mind me, I'm just :horse:
  11. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Same here. seems to be a tolerable amount
  12. VapoRoor

    Fuck you !!!

    Fuggin aye! Thats a good one! :lmao: Fuck me! double post! Take your shit and double post the fuck out of here!
  13. VapoRoor

    Fuck you !!!

    wait...Did I just like this! S H I T :suspicious:
  14. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Oooo dawgieeee! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
  15. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Wow every 4 days!? Thats a shit load of not vaping :ko:
  16. VapoRoor

    Custom Electroformed Inline

    Dear Sweet Bonobos! I'm making life decisions over here! :o
  17. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Bill, I am not speaking for TET. Just my understanding after owning two DARTS. That being said. These Cores are meant to be washed out. I gunked up a DART core pretty badly and I now have a new core, that has been getting used everyday for at least an hour or two of heat time for two weeks...
  18. VapoRoor

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I, on the other hand. Am a huge fan of the bottom switch. I find myself trying to rotate the DART so the oil doesn't collect all on one side. With the side switch, this can look weird when you twist your hand upside down and look sort of like you got stuck like that. With the Ceras bottom...
  19. VapoRoor

    Custom Electroformed Inline

    This is my DREAM piece! :drool:
  20. VapoRoor

    Thermovape Cera with EO cart (SS or Ti) FULLY FUNCTIONAL

    Thanks to J.D. 420, I found a good deal with accessories :tup:
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