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  1. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Shoot you're right, I overlooked that. Thanks. It does seem a bit pricey compared to others, I just thought it was the only 18mm one I could find. If I have to settle for a 14mm I'll probably go with this one from Alina...
  2. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hey guys, I've been searching for a small-ish thick-glassed clear straight bong for awhile and I'm wondering if anyone can chip in any suggestions. Only requirements are it be ~12" and have an 18mm joint. Clear preferred. My existing equipment is 18mm and I don't want to deal with adapters...
  3. VapeForTheTaste

    Da Buddha

    Hopefully shipping wasn't too much more than the mod itself... but it's worth it just for the micro mod IMO. I have never had such dense hits without a water pipe. It has really streamlined my sessions.
  4. VapeForTheTaste

    DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV

    Sorry to double post but I realized I never said... I am VERY happy with this kit. I was really considering a new desktop vape, was being the key word. Here on the lower left is a small load, enough to cover the bottom of the screen, and upper right is a normal load; maybe 2/3 of a screen packed...
  5. VapeForTheTaste

    DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV

    The only minor annoyance I'm finding is that the basket comes off in the adapter. It doesn't spill or anything, so that's fine. I know it's solved with the "concentration chamber" configuration but it seems like that setup introduces a little extra air into the equation. I could be mistaken. I...
  6. VapeForTheTaste

    DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV

    I've had the mod for a few hazy days now... Been using just the 14mm wand. I'm not sure I can say anything that hasn't already been articulated better. It's as close to dabbing herbs as you'll ever get. Very efficient.
  7. VapeForTheTaste

    DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV

    Hey DDave, I just wanted to make sure the "Delayed Shipping Notice" on the ebay page isn't still applicable. Just the mod I've been looking for!
  8. VapeForTheTaste

    Da Buddha

    No retention clip unfortunately, these units must be really old NOS. Thanks for the suggestion! Right now I'm sans shims and it's working fine... but obviously the heater cover is a bit wobbly.
  9. VapeForTheTaste

    Da Buddha

    Mine actually did come with the main shim, (cylinder,) but I've got awful hands and am having a little trouble with it. The cannabis ingestion doesn't help I'm sure. Are they just to steady the heater cover or am I going to have too much airflow if I leave it off? I bought my last Da Buddha used...
  10. VapeForTheTaste

    Da Buddha

    Completely forgot about the shims. Thanks for the heads up. Anyone know where to get them besides 7th floor? With shipping they're like $20, so I'd probably sooner MacGyver something, cheap though that may be.
  11. VapeForTheTaste

    Da Buddha

    There are a bunch of DBV's, (Just the unit and heater cover) on ebay right now supposedly from a storage auction. $65! Whip kit was 21.99 IIRC from Vaporseller, 100 screens like $5 on amazon. I wish I would have realized I could have had the black color at the same price, but oh well. If I...
  12. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hey guys, I know I've seen a few with the gb-234 (pictured below,) my question is, joint size? I assume 18 but it doesn't say in the listing and I want to make sure before I order it and accessories. Thanks all...
  13. VapeForTheTaste

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Haunted by the choice. I should be saving every penny right now because I have some stupid big expenses coming up...But I know I'll be buying one at some point, so, as a Dutchman, it pains me to see savings pass by. Just saw the notice on your site; safe and pleasant travels!
  14. VapeForTheTaste

    Underdog Log Vapes

    The sale is too awesome. It's going to haunt me all month.
  15. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks, I didn't know the terminology "nectar collector." Great setup you have there. Glad to see your order with that seller worked out too.
  16. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Link to the NC por favor?
  17. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Very nice setup. Link to the "NC" please? Hasn't arrived yet I assume? I'm waiting for yours to come before I pull the trigger. Thanks for being the guinea pig.
  18. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I like the fact that this GB-212 from yingmin has ice pinches, but I wonder if the mouthpiece is even large enough to be functional as such. This picture says no way.
  19. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Paypal is amazing for stuff like that. I never have worries paying through them, within reason obviously.
  20. VapeForTheTaste

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I'm partial to the idea of a straight pipe, so I think that should help. That 9mm one I posted is calling my name.
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