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  1. L

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Good to know, I probably avoid it. Another question in the past I was able to get these liquid tinctures(I think called kwc?), which I tried in the early days of e-cigs to use on the old drip style atomizers, with no luck. Now if I were to get such liquid again(it has a nice mint flavor if I...
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    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    When I got my regular protank the store told the me the mini's still having a bit of an issue with leaking even in v3, they were certain v4 would have solved it. Maybe they were wrong? I know plant/flower material doesn't work(at least not well) with PG and EJ mix, but can keif work?
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    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Can you use EJ mix with hash, or is that too much of a solid? What about with keif?
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    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Just to double check, we can use EJ Mix with wax, but what with hash, and/or tincture made from 100% PG?
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    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    I know ej mix is for concentrates, but can I mix it(properly following instructions) wax with ej mix, and a glycerin tincture? Then use the new juice in a PT3(they said the mini still leaks) that has pure gold(a bit less than .5) already in it? Thank you.
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    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Has anyone tried oils with the vapeonly BCC Mega cartomizer? The kit I have comes with a 1.8ohm, 2.2ohm and a 2.5ohm replaceable atty. I am getting some pure gold tomorrow and wondering if this could work. It's a dual wick bottom atomizer, I think works similar to Kanger models, but I am not...
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    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Well I had e-cig liquid and homemade glycerin hash mix in the Nano and never had leak. But, I take it is different with the pure gold in it? I'll go to my local vapor bar and see what they have in terms of kanger products, I may try that out. I kind of want to try it with the generic bud, but...
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    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Well it will be my first time trying pure gold so I'm not sure what would be the best out of the products I own. Thank you.
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    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    So will any CE4 work? Or would I be better off trying the Vision Nano, or other models I have?
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    Vape Nicotine?

    I am not sure which state you are in, but I have been recently seeing commercials of Jenny McCarthy in a lounge scene using blu e-cigs(which I think is owned by a tobacco company). I don't see how that is being marketed towards kids. In fact most kids may not even know who the hell she is(or her...
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    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Okay, it's been a while since I have been here, but still have been vaping, and messing around with my own mixture, and e-cigs(both for oils/wax/hash and of course quitting smoking cigars). Now for the upcoming holiday I am getting some pure gold from a friend. I want to be sure, I have the...
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    @ataxian Just to be clear did you get a generic evic for $18, or something else?
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    Green Dragon Recipes and Discussion

    I am trying to help a friend i know in the UK to make this, but not sure what alcohol options are there to use for this. Like is 151 Rum readily available? Or is there a better option to use, like some brand of everclear or a really high proof absinthe? Thanks.
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    Vhit Boom?

    I just saw this on tumblr. Looks pretty e-cig like, at least in shape, bit not sure what threading it has. Any know anything about this? I didn't see a thread here, which is kind of surprising since it's comng out this month.
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    The BHOLT vaporizer

    Have you tested to see how many hits/hours use you can get out of the mini? What would be the battery size on the larger model?
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    Forget mangoes. New cannabis 'enhancer' kanna?

    Good to know about Kratom, thanks. I have plans to try Kava and Kanna in tea and see how that turns out after I vape.
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    Discontinued WizVape new portable in 2013

    Can any one who has one take some pics of the product please and if possible some size comparison shots?
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    Glycerin Tincture for Vaping

    Wouldn't PEG be a better to use vs VG or PG, or have I been misreading it?
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    The Grasshopper

    What is your warranty going to be like?
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    Vapes on Planes - Traveling With Vaporizers

    Well it take a a little practice(at least it did with my VG bat), but after two or three tries, I fully got the hang of it, and never combusted again. I can't speak for the other models, but the bat is for the most part is easy to use, even for beginners.
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