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  1. starvingmusician24

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Looks like I gotta get on that tax return game the torched white ash look amazing bro. And don't even get me started on the bog oak set. Great work @Ed's TnT
  2. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I have a teak mini that gets ran for a little bit everyday. I'm pretty sure mine has the resistor in it and it white walls my glass no problem. :rockon:And like any other underdog product if things go south there's a small vet charge to get you back and running with your teacup underdog :lol:
  3. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Haha I'm glad we're in the same page brother @Ed's TnT. I'm ready for the titanium and wood beauties you have in store with us. :tup:
  4. starvingmusician24

    The VaporCup "FC Member Appreciation" Giveaway!!!

    All the awesome people at FC. And let's not forget this contest woooo
  5. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @Ed's TnT man I tell you dipping the steel in ever clear and taking a lighter to it to dry it was a great idea. It came out brand new, but you gotta be careful or it could easily get out of hand.:worms: Big thanks to @Snappo for the advice. @Ed's TnT hope all is goin well you way brother...
  6. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    12.3-12.8 right here :rockon::evil::zombie:
  7. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @Snappo the man with answers thanks brotha
  8. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @NickDlow @Ed's TnT thanks for the help guys. But sounds like I can't have nothing nice haha. Sounds like another reason too get a new stem then.:tup:
  9. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @NickDlow Thanks man. I normally clean everything with ever clear. But I think I may have not been completely clear enough. My issue is the oil seem to leak out the metal bushing around where they connect on the outside if that makes since?
  10. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Let's bump @Ed's TnT back to first page status. And I have a a question for my fellow wood enthusiast. Does any one have a trick for cleaning the metal bowl piece on the old air stems? I have one with a pin in it and I can't seem to get all the built up honey out from between the metal and...
  11. starvingmusician24

    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Man the excitement is real with this thing, good job @Ed's TnT . Can't wait to have a VB of my own. The all wood WPA attachment looks very interesting to me and the ability to use the stems we already own from you is a huge plus. I'm also a fan of it running hot. I'm a high temp kinda guy...
  12. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @HellsWindStaff congrats man may the pups run free. Sounds like your new pads pretty sweet.
  13. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @NickDlow nice collection bro.
  14. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Its my version of caviar or moon rocks what have you. The underdog eats it right up and makes you sit or lay down for a change haha.
  15. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @nykwil my recipe is start with a nong half filled topped with a ball of concentrate and capped with keif :science::nod:
  16. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Sign me up for a vapor bomb. Can't wait for your show and tell pics.:rockon:
  17. starvingmusician24

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @Aimless Ryan I've been reading your post man and I hate it for you so much. Beat of wishes and a speedy recovery. @underdog @underdogette :clap: y'all generosity and ability to care will be why I'll continue being a customer. way to be a stand up group and going above and beyond for your...
  18. starvingmusician24

    Dynavap VapCap

    Still waiting on my 4$20 special and it's killing me. This thread makes the wait that much harder.
  19. starvingmusician24

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    @Ed's TnT please tell me those buckeye blanks mean we're closer to custom orders. Modnote: Back to back posts merged. @Ed's TnT got my package in the mail today and oh man what a beauty thanks bud. I'm really a fan of the new compression fit ends too. It makes it look super slick and clean.
  20. starvingmusician24

    Dynavap VapCap Shipping Discussion

    Hey I ordered a 4/20 deal for the dynavap. I was just curious if anyone knows how long of a delay were on before they ship. I've been following this thread from the beginnings so now I'm ready to try out the dynavap. Y'all are making it look so much fun.
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