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  1. Custom Flower Hardware

    Has anyone ever used that wacky Studenglass doodad?

    I'll post a video Friday night it's due here friday! :tup:
  2. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    I will not be selling this cordless. Just corded as I've been for the past year. I did the video to show that it's plenty capable. Whoever would like to make it cordless the 20mm ss rings are on Amazon. The tolerances fluctuate though, so you might have to buy a couple of them to get a good...
  3. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    Had a great meet and sesh at my house Sunday with Peter from Altar Vape. :tup:gave him a kettle and path to play with so he can make me a custom dual pid Altar with all the fixings!:nod: can't wait till it's finished!:science:
  4. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Electropath

    Nah it's a whiteish colored badder brother!:tup:
  5. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    Those are corded.:tup: This is wireless...:D
  6. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    They're aren't any coils. That's not a guard. It's a stainless steel heater customed sized to each piece. Works exactly the same as the coils just a lot prettier looking.:love:
  7. Custom Flower Hardware

    Tabletop Bong anyone?
  8. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Electropath

    Testing heaters for second quarter, 2025 release...
  9. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    Testing heaters for second quarter, 2025 release...
  10. Custom Flower Hardware

    Has anyone ever used that wacky Studenglass doodad?

    Mine is on the way with dock! And the Bluuuee!
  11. Custom Flower Hardware


    Stirred after this vid and got one more mondo hit!
  12. Custom Flower Hardware

    Ball vape
  13. Custom Flower Hardware

    Ball vape

    Get a flower kettle and electropath. It'll pay for itself in the long run as well as save you money purchasing multiple vapes to do everything it's capable of. You can even flip it upside to work with CH bowls and such as it becomes the heaviest diffuser on the market because of its sheer...
  14. Custom Flower Hardware

    Tabletop Bong anyone?
  15. Custom Flower Hardware

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater
  16. Custom Flower Hardware

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie
  17. Custom Flower Hardware


    Not induction but seems convection until the ceramic cup is hot then it's both. More testing tonight then I'm gonna break her down for a cleaning and a better look :D
  18. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Electropath
  19. Custom Flower Hardware

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware
  20. Custom Flower Hardware

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I have a square with a shit ton of accessories I'll post a Pic later after work👍
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