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  1. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Yes, the seat of the capacitor is such a thing. I made a stop with a titanium tube.
  2. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Dear people, be creative. We always have an individual solution. Not instructive, just encouraging... Does anyone know of an ultrasonic cleaner and does anyone know that you can hold a glass with another liquid (ISO) in this water bath, into which the vibrations are then transmitted?
  3. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm almost sure that it works without a sieve (with water filter). All the bowls I've emptied so far have had the material in place as it was before heating. Otherwise, a small stone (edgy) served as a placeholder, as it used to be in the bong, until a replacement was available.
  4. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I totally agree with you on the Vestratto. I think it's a shame that they are no longer involved here. (Or just a silent reader?) There's always something to learn, and tips are always welcome. Vestratto are you here???
  5. Fox

    Camouflet Convector

    Ok, if you do want to try cleaning them. Put them in the oven at 250 degrees with the opening facing up so that nothing flows into the small holes when the plastic becomes liquid. Watch them and take them out with tongs when they are hot wipe everything with a cotton cloth. Then you hold them...
  6. Fox

    Camouflet Convector

    Hi did you get them clean?
  7. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    A little tip: If the screen in the condenser is replaced by this one ( it stays clean longer and it doesn't turn dark. But it's only for tinkerers because the diameter of the sieve has to be adjusted with a file in order to use...
  8. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

  9. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I would like to add something to this, namely: This cap consists of brass and aluminum parts and is not used as such. There were two tests that were very good. The only thing that could be used is the fiberglass wick, which is actually intended for oil lamps. Just an idea giver this part.
  10. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    It's really a shame to see parts with such errors reaching the customer. That also reminds me of the new DV amored cap where the beak was too long and touched the stem. Always ask me how can that be... I have to say about the Anvil if I had developed it, I would have gone for pure silver instead...
  11. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi, what was in the bowl, just weed?
  12. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Load the Anvil put the cap on and heat it with a flame. (Of course only works with a flame)
  13. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    This is the Anvil Beanie, it's perfect for turning hash and concentrate into vapor without leaving a trace. These ideas are only intended to make the Anvil product what I call a one and only vaporizer. The Anvil offers decarboxylation of the active ingredients and I don't know of any other...
  14. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Not always fast what I like are reserves they give security and a good feeling if you know there is still something that can be used if I want. Driving on German autobahns is fun!
  15. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi, that's absolutely correct the Anvil works as it is. It's like with cars, one is satisfied with 50 hp, another prefers to drive 500 hp, even if he doesn't always call up the line and the additional consumption of fuel is the price you pay to have reserves. I'm the one who prefers 500hp.
  16. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Der Effekt von mehr Masse ist, dass während der Zeit der Verdampfung in einem Zug die Temperatur höher bleibt, so dass Du am Ende Deines Zuges effektiv mehr in einem Zug extrahierst. Ich habe keine IH-Erfahrung mit dem Amboss, ich benutze nur ein Feuerzeug. Eines Tages benutzte ich meinen...
  17. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    More mass = longer heat output = longer extraction.
  18. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    stainless steel wire SS316L, 28ga, E vape wire.
  19. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

    If you are looking for more performance.
  20. Fox

    Anvil by Vestratto

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